Three women, three marriages.

Dovie 2022-05-07 06:01:17

Serious spoilers, be careful. (Even a long introduction...

The film is so interesting. I just thought it was a love movie with the usual "silly white sweet" plot, but I didn't expect it to be more interesting as it went on. The sensitivity, suspicion, and fantasy of women are great. The more you look at it, the more interesting it becomes. The most surprising thing is the suspenseful atmosphere! When the three heroines began to reminisce about their own memories, they couldn't help but start to guess who was the man who eloped!

A mysterious letter came on a Saturday in May when the picnic was to be held. The person who wrote the letter was another woman, a woman who knew the husbands of other women, and to the three husbands, they were all women who existed like "white moonlight".

The letter said that she eloped with one of them's husbands.

Then the memories of the three women about each other's husbands were unfolded separately.

Deborah and her husband got married during the war. After leaving the army, they came to the town where her husband was. For the first time to attend a banquet together, Deborah didn’t have a suitable dress. She was troubled by the dress and could only put on a few I went to a banquet in an old and torn dress I bought a year ago. In the memory, she felt that the gap between herself and her husband was too great, and she felt anxious that she was a poor peasant girl. At the banquet, she heard that her husband and Eddie were childhood sweethearts. She felt that the person who eloped would be her husband.

Leita and George had been married for seven years. Before the picnic, they had a serious argument.

George is a school teacher with the personality and bottom line of an intellectual. He hates the hypocrisy of capitalists and pays Weibo, but the teacher is the only thing he likes to do.

Leita works on the radio station and pays most of the family's expenses. I am very busy at work every day. I send and receive 100 letters every day. Sometimes I have to work overtime on weekends to change the copywriting. George does not like that she has to work overtime on weekends.

One day Leita invited her boss Manny and his wife to be a guest at home for some selfish secret in her heart, along with friends Potter and Laura May as guests. Layla and the maid prepared nervously, and finally they were almost ready to greet the guests. At dinner, everyone talked and laughed, but it was also interesting, but because of some differences, it was still slightly embarrassing, until after listening to the broadcast, the Mannys prepared. When leaving, Mrs. Manny began to inquire about George's opinion about the advertisement, and laughed at him for his ignorance, and George began to run away. After the guests left, Leita finally revealed the purpose of the dinner. The two began to quarrel. Finally, George patted the door and he felt Leita had changed.

Leita felt that the person who eloped would be her husband.

I like Leita and George so much! The two of them are arguing, they all moved out of Shakespeare's "Twelfth Night", and they are able to catch each other's stalks, and show off their love to fly!

Finally, Laura May and Potter are the couple. I didn't know the couple very well until the end.

Potter is Laura May’s boss. Potter is rich and smart. Knowing Laura May’s routines, he still needs to start step by step. But when Laura May said that he wanted to get married, he flinched because He got married once and felt that the marriage was not suitable for him at all, and then the two separated. But on Christmas Eve, he finally couldn't bear the miss of Lola May, and ran to her house to marry her, Lola May agreed.

Once Potter put Eddie's photo in a silver frame and placed it on the piano. Laura May saw it and said that she was going to be the woman on the piano in the silver frame. She really did it, but in three years of marriage, Porter felt that Laura May just used him as a cash machine, and the two never said that I love you. When they talked, they quarreled. Therefore, she felt that the person who eloped would be her husband.

At the end of the picnic, the three women returned to their homes and revealed their doubts. But the story is not over here, and there is the last ball. This time Leita has a nice dress and no longer feels alone and timid.

From the beginning of the ball, from the end of the ball.

Let's start dancing and start saying I love you. ~

2021/06/19 night 1:36

In the north

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A Letter to Three Wives quotes

  • Lora Mae Hollingsway: I've been a good wife. The best wife your money could buy.

    Porter Hollingsway: Strictly cash and carry.

    Lora Mae Hollingsway: Isn't that what you wanted? Isn't that what you told me? "Out in the open. You made a good deal, kid." Did you every stop to think, Porter, that in over 3 years there's one word we've never said to each other, even in fun?

    Porter Hollingsway: To you, I'm a cash register. You can't love a cash register.

    Lora Mae Hollingsway: And I'm part of your inventory. You can't love that, either.

    Porter Hollingsway: I asked you to marry me because I was crazy about you.

    Lora Mae Hollingsway: You didn't even ask me!

    Porter Hollingsway: I've been a good husband. You got everything you want.

    Lora Mae Hollingsway: If you'd only asked me, if you'd only made me feel like a woman instead of a piece of merchandise!

    Porter Hollingsway: Did you give me a chance to? All you ever showed me was your price tag.

  • Deborah Bishop: Have you any idea how much Lora Mae is in love with you?

    Porter Hollingsway: [scornfully] No! How much?

    Deborah Bishop: So much she's afraid to tell you, afraid you'd laugh at her.

    Porter Hollingsway: Me laugh? She couldn't say it with a straight face. Lora Mae in love with me? It's all she can do to wait it out.

    Deborah Bishop: Wait it out?

    Porter Hollingsway: Yeah, like an annuity till it matures. Like a slot machine till it pays off. That's what she's waiting for. A chance to call it off, to collect. "The end of the line. Fares, please." Don't tell me about love and Lora Mae.