In my opinion, it is bad feng shui.

Nola 2022-09-25 10:09:45

That old house is definitely not good at Feng Shui. Is there no Feng Shui in the UK? If you want to move, you must look at the Feng Shui of the house. First of all, you see this house is very lonely. There was nothing around where he was, and the whole feeling was very gloomy. Feng Shui is a university question. If there is Feng Shui in the UK, it should be paid attention to. At least the location can be selected better. I saw this film. The last film I watched was the ministers of Nanshan. You see, there is a sentence in it that is very good, well, I am a Feng Shui gentleman in Hong Kong. My friend said that the Blue House is the worst place in feng shui in Korea. People here in Korea have no good deaths.

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The Nest quotes

  • Arthur Davis: People seem to want everything from their husbands and wives and expect every need to be fulfilled. Ey, maybe that's why there's so much divorce.

    [Allison grunts in reciprocation]

    Arthur Davis: Too much expectation.

    Allison O'Hara: Well, I hope you're wrong. I think people should want it all.

    Arthur Davis: Ah well, look closer, you are young enough to still be an idealist, but only just.

  • Allison O'Hara: You can blame shit on me Sam, but you're the one who's going to have to live with your choices.

    Sam O'Hara: I don't have to make choices, mom. I'll just find a man to make my choices for me.

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