What is truth?

Brice 2022-12-23 10:17:41

How are the "truths" that we swear to the death against and the "truths" that we swear to defend are concocted? The film gives us a good explanation.

The Iraqi guerrillas are trying to build momentum. Attack the American convoy at the expense of civilian lives. Standing on a high place, they calmly filmed the scenes of the bloody massacre with DV, and announced these scenes to the international community. In the reprimands of the international community, they have achieved the big goal of political incitement.

The people will always be the ultimate bearers of all the pain and injury in war. They either died at the guns of the US military, or died from their own conspiracy. In the eyes of all interest groups, the people are nothing but all kinds of materials that can be used.

When the whole world is watching this concocted "truth", no one cares about the truth behind these "truths". What they want is the facts that can be used, nothing more.

Contrast this with the various boycotts that have been increasingly vigorous in the country recently. The reason is also because of various so-called "truths", and these truths are nothing but "facts" in my eyes. The advantage of fact is that it can be designed. There are good reasons to believe that under various sophisticated designs, we will consciously and voluntarily become a force urgently needed by our interests.

The power comes from the people, which originally needs to be understood in this way.

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