Paulette’s magic is not just cakes

Gregorio 2022-09-20 16:48:01

French black humor always has a special taste. The seventy-year-old lady sells drugs and the son-in-law is an anti-drug police officer. This combination is already very attractive. The hostess and her friends are also heavyweight actors, giving the film a strong color. .

The French name of this movie is "PAULETTE", which is the name of the heroine Paulette. From the beginning, it briefly introduced the life of the heroine, getting married, having children, winning the pie competition, and opening a small Shop and live a prosperous life. But later, when her husband died, the shop was transferred to a Japanese, and the mortgage could not be repaid by the court, and only 600 yuan a month was provided for subsistence allowances. The old lady is very pitiful, but she is also a vicious old lady. She hates foreigners and hates black people. Every time the priest and son-in-law and grandson who go to worship are also black, the old lady has no good expressions on them. The old lady wants to grab a handful of green onions. He even sprays chili water on women who are even poorer than her. The old lady accidentally picked up the marijuana dropped by the drug dealer during his escape. She learned from her son-in-law that it was very valuable, so she moved her mind. Later, she accidentally started a business selling marijuana cakes and gained the money and gained popularity. Family love, more importantly, regained life.

The film uses a very ridiculous setting, telling the old people who have been widowed to restart their lives. There are many tears hidden behind this comedy. The life of the old people is not going well, but the daughter always needs the help of the old people. The husband also has problems with his relationship. Not only did he fail to live his life well, he also complained a lot about the elderly, let alone understand the difficulties of the elderly. After the elderly started making money, they took their grandchildren to play and donate money to the church. They couldn’t help feeling. Many times happiness also requires financial support. But in fact, it’s more important that when the elderly don’t have money, they hate everyone and feel that their misfortunes are brought by others. After I started the cake business, I regained the focus of life, gained confidence in life, and began to be willing to open myself to accept others, and even went to the shop that was originally my own that was taken over by the Japanese on a date.

The elderly have gained warmth through illegal means and their own hands, and they are finally out of the haze of widowed husbands. This is actually a very common social problem. Children are busy with their lives and cannot take care of the left-behind elderly. Weak, although everyone can help, it is difficult to trust an elderly person. If the elderly lose their social status, if they are widowed, they will also lose the warmth of the family, and their psychology is prone to change. The difference from the old lady is her neighbor Walter. Although the film doesn’t introduce him too much, we know that he is also a person and leads an active life every day. The old man walks out of the haze, career, friends, and Walter’s help. important. A positive attitude towards life will definitely change the situation of life. This film is not only a comedy, it makes people feel relaxed, but also a good encouragement for friends who are frustrated, but the premise is not to break the law.

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