Women's suffocating love kills men

Janae 2022-01-23 08:07:20

Maigret is a police inspector. Five women have been killed in Paris, but the case has no clue. The five victims also lack common ground, except that they are all dark-haired. At a party, the doctor told him that many patients like to show off their criminal behavior, which inspired the inspector. The inspector deliberately created a case and reported the behavior beyond the criminals to inspire the criminals to continue their actions. At the same time, the inspector recruited some female police volunteers to attract the criminals and deployed more than 200 plainclothes police officers in the city. Some clues were obtained. The buttons and fabrics captured by the attacked policewoman proved that the perpetrator was a man of good taste. He was about 30 years old. Through the buttons and fabrics, he found the young man Mercy who bought the fabrics. Mercer said that he had burned a hole in his clothes and gave it to the homeless a week ago. Maigret firmly believed that Mercer was the murderer, but he lacked direct evidence and motive for committing the crime. After the suit was found, it was discovered that the hole was burned within 24 hours, proving that Mercy had lied. Just as the murderer of Mercy was confirmed, another woman was killed and the case was repeated. Under Maigret's questioning, Mercer confessed to killing five people.

Mercer was controlled by his mother’s love since he was a child, and was full of suffocation. After marriage, his mother wanted to control the couple. The couple moved away secretly. After moving away, Mercer was controlled by his wife’s love. Mother and wife hated each other and wanted to use it. Love controls Mercer, and is even willing to do anything for Mercer. Mercy is useless under the control of his mother and wife. He hates his mother and wife, so he goes to kill and prove himself.

It seems that the struggle between mother and wife for husband's love is the same all over the world. Women use love to control men and fill the other party with anger and guilt, but they can't release it, and it is easy for men to release it through improper means.

It's weird for Mr. Bean to be an inspector.

It is a technical task to inquire about a confession.

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