Screenwriter's Brainstorm

Kiarra 2022-12-14 06:24:34

It's more like a product of several screenwriters brainstorming and grafting ideas together. In short, we don't want a haunted story as simple as that, so we first need a classic template, an old house haunted story, in which humans are liberators. They figured out why the ghosts manifested and liberated them, and then modified the collage on the basis of it: Some people proposed a World War II background, so that they could play the stalk of the murdered Jewish ghost manifestations, and others suggested not to be so simple. This diary can be fabricated by one of them. He fabricated the entire story to achieve reversal. Then someone suggested that the diary could write by himself and make up the story by himself, so that he could keep reversing. Others proposed to bury them and save them. The ghosts are guided deliberately so that they will not disappear but become stronger, and they will come back to life and become truly tangible. Finally, a person who is obsessed with science fiction comes up with an idea and comes up with such and such a routine. Simply put, it is the originality of the source code. As soon as you look at it, the whole story is reversed, and it is complete. Reversal is like the overturning of a train, the kind of reversal that a non-superman will never be able to reverse again, and this reversal reasonably explains the previous unnatural mysteries. It is really science's dimensionality reduction blow to superstition. This is good, just use it. This creativity. So all the above thoughts are realized in the movie, and we are able to see such a thing. This movie fully shows that the story is something that can be turned at will with a single shot of the head. Its demand for projection of realistic experience has been minimized. Most of the current story producers also source their materials from the story itself. It's the experience that I don't know how many hands they have, and the work they do is just collage. The frame, structure, type, element, and technique have long been uprising, killing the content, meaning, outlook on life, and themes. People do not need to identify with certain emotions and values ​​to make up and play. The audience just rides on the slide along the preset track of the story, experiences the excitement of turning and turning, and consumes something that is always on the move. They experience it in reality. Less than the speed. In retrospect, the two wars were grafted together with the same story and logically did not collapse. The theme of atonement was clear, and the story was rounded up, and the name coincided: No matter which war, the ghost of the evil Are interlinked.

Although the protagonist was stuck in a state of constant restarting, for us, this story is over, and it is better not to have a sequel.

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Ghosts of War quotes

  • Title Card: This war will not end. With every mile my body and spirit break. Every jolt makes brittle my mind. Each step pulls me further from home until I am the shell of the man that kissed my mother goodbye a forever ago.

    Title Card: And I tense endlessly. Not knowing which will arrive first, the bullet that takes my life or my final chance for redemption. -D. Werner, 18 years old, WWII Private 1st Class