The shadow of the husband

Lee 2022-01-24 08:06:24

When I saw it for half an hour, I thought it was a very good movie. I thought the name "Invisible Woman" was some suspenseful film, and then I slowly understood that the invisible woman is because only men dominate. It feels like thinking about the tragic life of three women, and it can’t be said that tragic is a life beyond your control. I think the parts of having a child and having sex are very real. I would really think that the child was born from the belly of an actress, because blood and everything are very real. It is a very conscientious work. When my sister and her husband are newly married and have sex, there is a sense of absurdity. My sister seems to be very confused and at a loss. There are some things that were not explained clearly at the beginning, such as why did my sister suddenly marry that man? And why the mother suddenly got sick. Of course, it may also be the reason why I didn't take it seriously. When those new appeared, they couldn't help crying. I should find the line drawn by some medical police, and it turned out to be the proof of their sisters. Obviously we are so close, but I haven't seen it for so many years. What is the reason for coming to school? After all, it was their father. Her father's machismo was this one that killed her.

Why are women invisible? Because they are the shadow of their husbands. Must be born dependent on the husband, without self. The mother had to separate from her daughter because of her husband's strength and feeling ashamed. To a certain extent, this can also be said to be the mother's cowardice, but it may also be caused by the social atmosphere at the time.

In sister. After the interview was successful, the husband said, “Should I quit my job and clean up at home? Why do you ask your wife to clean up at home? Obviously, the wife can take care of both family and career. She is a housewife, which is selfish and machismo. I don't understand why my sister made a compromise again. Burning the piano is also inexplicable, maybe I didn't see it clearly.

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