The thing we haven't seen the most is actually ourselves

Chance 2022-01-24 08:06:24

After watching this movie, I suddenly felt that we are actually ignoring ourselves, watching other people's lives, forgetting our original intentions, and not knowing the original thoughts, just like a bull with a bowed head.

You see, we look at others with high status, so we work overtime and stay up late, work hard to flatter, drink and socialize hard, just to get to the next level.

You see, we see that other people are rich, live in big houses, and drive good cars, and then we still work hard to work overtime, and there is no time to go back to our hometown on weekends.

You see, the friends around me are in good shape, their girlfriends are pretty, and they just bought a luxury car, so we are even more desperate.

Later, I think about it, does it make sense to look at other people's lives and then desperately lower your head to pull the cart? Where is your true self?

Just like the two sisters in the film, although they have different personalities and different experiences, they both lost themselves in the end and did not live the life they wanted to live. One lost his name when he died, and the other faced his grandchildren. At the bottom of my heart, I still feel a little bit reluctant about my original piano dream.

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