The actor's indulgence

Katheryn 2022-06-12 23:26:33

When performing on Broadway,

Seven or eight girls are waiting for him in the background every night.

He looked them up and down, picked one of them, and went to Yunyu with him.

Marlon Brando is too romantic.

He has no education. My mother is also a drunkard and often disappears. My father is addicted to prostitution. The family is not like home, so the sense of morality is naturally very weak.

He is a macho again.

Make inexhaustible force.

Inexhaustible desire.

Shamelessly said: "I am young, destined to spread my seeds everywhere."

He was strong then.


Hormonal explosion.

At midnight, he was too excited to fall asleep.

Desires are all over the place.

Just put on a T-shirt, drove a motorcycle and wandered around the chaotic streets of New York, looking for one or several sexual partners.

He is as wild as a beast.

But because it is chic, uncontrollable, and full of fatal appeal.

He has slept with many people.

His friends said, you can't say how many girlfriends he has, I can only say that there are countless people in his bed.

His women are so good.

When performing "A Streetcar Named Desire" on Broadway, seven or eight girls would wait for him in the dressing room every night.

After he finished the performance, he looked them up and down and chose one of them to spend the night with him.

After the movie "A Streetcar Named Desire" was released, he became famous.

Anthony Quinn said, all of a sudden, "Everyone started to look like Marlon Brando."

He was also seen by women all over the world.

It was a performance of "shocked as heaven and man".

The role is uncharacteristic. Real, flesh and blood.

Hollywood has never had such an instinctive, aggressive, crude, and charming character before.

Brando is like a male leopard who is in heat and is about to attack. Every time he plays, he will be surrounded by hot hormones.

He is extremely sexy.

Also very sultry.

He appeared in the fantasy of countless women. As well as sexual fantasies.

It's amazing now.

Women came around like ants. All kinds, thousands.

They were full of longing for him.

Out of instinct and out of response, he slept with them one by one, group after group.

Hollywood has a saying.

"His illegitimate children were born one after another. Lovers committed suicide for him one by one. And his bed was changed night after night, with men and women."

In his later years, Brando admitted: "I was crazy when I was young."

When facing the female reporter who interviewed him, he thought of everything that was inhumane.

She asked: "First of all I want to ask you..."

Because of evil thoughts, he answered all the wrong questions.

The bull's head is wrong with the horse's mouth.

"You are the most beautiful visitor I have ever met. I am... very interested in you."

She continued to ask: "What do you think after filming?"

He licked his lips, ambiguously and eagerly: "I would like to... see you in Chicago..."

The reporter resisted stubbornly: "We also hope to see you in Chicago."

Brando asked, "We?"

"You do not want?"

"Of course I do."

This scene happened in public and in front of the camera.

This happened to another female reporter.

The two had never lived before.

He promotes movies.

She came to interview as a media reporter.

But Brando's interest is obviously not on this.

He had other ideas again.

Intentionally or unconsciously, he touched the foot of a female reporter. And pretended to apologize innocently.

After that, the whole chat was with reporters.

He looked at her with interest and imagination. A smile is not a smile.

"When you speak, the corner of your mouth will be slightly tilted..." His face was all teasing.

"so cute."

The female reporter was very embarrassed.

During this interview, I didn't talk about movies at all.

He kept talking about her.

Has been tempting her with words.

When the reporter struggled, wanted to bring the topic back, and asked him: "Do you want to tell us some behind-the-scenes footage of filming?"

Brando suddenly gave a smirk and said meaningfully:

"How behind the scenes?"

He has such a wild life.

And unruly.

Have fun everywhere.

The whole person exudes the breath of desire.

He has slept with too many people.

Actresses, actresses, politicians, celebrities, writers, journalists, models, athletes, hostesses, named, unnamed, white, black, brown, yellow, tall, short, thin , Fat, hot, single, married, elder, young... there are countless.

In his biographical film, a paparazzi released a recording.

The other party was a woman with a young and moving voice.

The paparazzi asked: "Some people say you are in love with Mr. Brando..."

"You went into Brando's room the other night, and you only came out in the morning. Is this true?"

After a burst of laughter, the woman admitted frankly: "Yes, it's true."

Then I commented on it.

"He is very gentlemanly."


The 10,000-word brain supplement scene is omitted here...

But Hollywood paparazzi, that is not ordinary paparazzi. People are not satisfied with such an answer.

He directly asked: "Did you go to bed?"

"Because the guests in the next room heard a crash, it seems that even the bed makes a noise..."

The woman gave a meaningful "um".

How do you say that kind of "um"? It's not so much hesitation, it's more aftertaste...

And such things are almost normal in Brando's life.

He doesn't follow the rules.

After falling asleep, they still advertised everywhere.

After Kennedy was assassinated, his widow Jacqueline Kennedy also had a romantic history with him.

But Brando didn't seem to like this affair.

Everyone talks about the details.

In 1994, he wrote the memoir "Songs Mom Taught Me".

In the book, the famous Hollywood stallion said that he had a "passionate sexual relationship" with Mrs. Kennedy for two nights in 1964.

He also said that he was "tempted."

That night, they first ate together.

A meal took 3 hours.

Drank a lot of good wine.

Then, riding on their drunkenness, they began to dance.

"While dancing, Jacqueline pressed her thigh to Brando's body, and then they sat down and looked for a'way out'."

It seems very fragrant.

Also ecstasy.

But Brando said:

"If you want to describe it, I think she is more of a voyeuristic than an activist.

Jacqueline has been waiting for me that night.

When I was motionless, she seduced me and said, "Do you want to stay overnight?"

My answer was'I thought you wouldn't ask like that'. "

The second time was a week later.

Brando said that Jacqueline seduce him again.

He described the affair this way:

"Jacqueline's hips are similar to those of men. The whole skeleton is also very hard."

He said that at that time he was a man who decided with his lower body.

"Many decisions are made by little DD, not your brain."

He has done a lot of impulsive and evil things.

Both slept with Vivien and his wife.

Overturned with the Princess of Monaco.

After the death of the gay friend, he grabbed the ashes from the widow of the gay friend at the funeral. And take the ashes home.

He is so unreliable.

With Monroe, he had married her without thinking.

There are such details in Darwin Porter's "Goddess Falling into the World".

In 1946, Brando and Monroe met.

They were both young at the time.

They are all sex addicts.

They are also very charming.

Very nervous.

At that time, Monroe wanted to get married.

Director Ilya Kazan said that for Monroe, "As long as they can get married, women are fine. Joe Schenk, Joan Crawford, Darryl Zanuk, and even the gay Lockhard Sen, these people are all possible. "

But Brando desperately defended Monroe.

He should have liked Monroe.

Many years later, he died. When the estate was auctioned, it was discovered that he had written a love letter to Monroe.

Brando wrote in this telegram:

"Good luck is often born after bad luck.

Don't be afraid and run away, face it bravely.

I will send you my thoughts, and the most passionate love.

Malong. "

On the fifth night in Texas, Monroe told Brando that she was pregnant.

"This situation is not uncommon for her.

Because she'likes the most natural contact without safety measures'.

'I have had a miscarriage several times before, and I can't remember exactly how many times. '

Brando asked her child's father, but Monroe didn't know it herself. "

About a year later, Ilya Kazan brought an amazing secret.

He said that when filming "Long Live Sabada", Brando and Monroe did something very outrageous.

The two of them didn't know what they thought.

Secretly escaped from the set and got married in a small town near Texas!

The registered name is not the real name.

They used their fabricated names to obtain a marriage certificate on a certain weekend.

In other words, in a sense, Monroe is also Brando's wife.

Kazan said, "Later, when Monroe was with me in private, she always called herself Madame Brando and said she was married."

This should not be groundless.

Kazan said:

"Brando and Monroe are both crazy, unconscious children.

They probably held the wedding with a joke.

Brando is a joker, and I can imagine that he can do such a thing.

Monroe is very reckless, she must be able to do it too. "

Afterwards, Darwin Porter also recorded one thing.

After returning to Los Angeles, Monroe made an emergency call to "husband" Brando in the second week, telling him that no "Little Malone" would be born. She had a miscarriage. Monroe was a little bit disappointed. If this child can be born, Brando will be the child's father, she will be the child's mother, how beautiful the child will be! Brando comforted her: "If one day in the future, you want to have Brando's child, I am willing to help anytime."

In 1955, in a benefit performance. The reporters kept yelling around Monroe.

Brando desperately protected her.

A reporter asked: "Miss Monroe, do you like Brando very seriously?"

Monroe said: "I didn't take it seriously, but I always liked him."

Once, Brando was filming "Napoleon's Love History".

Monroe went to visit the class.

She stood aside, watching Brando perform.

He rested his cheek in one hand and smiled. The love in his eyes can't be concealed.

But when the two left the set and went to Brando's locker room, Monroe began to cry.

She told Brando that DiMaggio had beaten her again.

He showed Brando the scar on his right arm.

Monroe covered up those scars through makeup. But if you look closely, it's still hideous.

Brando was furious.

He wants Monroe to move out and can live with him.

At the same time Monroe divorced.

Two days later, Brando told his friends that Monroe and DiMaggio's marriage was illegal. Because Marilyn is still Brando's wife, they have not yet divorced.

The friend said: "Until today, I don't know if Brando and Marilyn are married or not, maybe he lied to me."

This matter has always been an unsolved case.


It's hard to tell whether it's true or false.

But what is certain is that Brando officially married three times in his life.

Monroe has never been a real bride.

His first marriage occurred in 1957.

The other party is an Indian model and actor.

It has the beauty of oriental mystery.

The reason for the end, of course, was because of his indulgence.

The wife found out that he had other women.

"A woman came in through the front door to find me, and I jumped out of the window...The beast in my personality dominated me..."

This is just Brando's rhetoric.

In a more mean version, Anna found prostitutes lying on their bed.

She caught the rape in the bed, angrily.

Then divorced.

In 1960, he married for the second time. The other party is also of color. A Mexican actress named Movita.

Divorced in 1962.

Also in 1962, he married for the third time. It was with a Hawaiian girl. The complexion is dark and healthy.

At that time, he was 38 years old and Terita was only 20 years old.

They met during the filming of "Blood on the Mutiny".

In Tahiti, he met the wild and beautiful Terita.

She was blooming like a flower. Wearing a wreath, dancing hula. Amorous feelings.

He had a lot of desires all at once.

This amazingly expensive production has also become the love of the two.

Then they got married.

But Brando didn't care about it.

He is still romantic.

Still mean.

While he had children with her, he belittled her and controlled her.

He would not let her take the play.

She is not allowed to have her own social circle.

Ordered her agency not to give her any role.

Ten years later, this marriage also came to an end.

But his control of Terita did not end.

After the divorce, as soon as he heard that she had a boyfriend, he would come over, harass, intimidate, threaten, call the man's house in the middle of the night and force him away from her.

Terita was tortured almost crazy.

When Terita's daughter became an adult, her boyfriend was shot and killed by Brando's son.

The daughter was killed indirectly.

Tragedies are born because of Brando.

Terita wrote an autobiography in her later years, saying that the last thing she regretted in her life was getting to know Brando.

Anna Kasfi said: He is a devil.

He not only ruined her life, but also ruined the child's life.

But Brando did not introspect.

He was merciful everywhere.

At the same time slept with his servant. And lived with her for many years. Gave birth to 3 children.

When Brando tried to kick the maid, he refused to pay.

The maid sued and the two settled out of court. Brando paid 100 million US dollars.

The maid said that her relationship with Brando was like a marriage, with engagement rings and wedding rings.

Brando smiled contemptuously: He was just for sex.

Without exception, he did not bring happiness to any woman.

When his three wives mentioned him, they were full of resentment.

His children have no good words either.

His six mistresses committed suicide for him one by one.

There are as many as 15 illegitimate children. Up to 25 people have been uploaded online. Sex partners heard as many as four digits.

His licentiousness is famous.

Or, indulgence and indulgence have long existed.

It was only later that he became well-known because of his great fame.

When he was young, women, food, and wine were all he had.

He felt that this is the perfect world.

No flaws.

He said to Kazan: "I have tasted life, making love, drinking, working..."

He enjoys material things.

Also indulge in the joy of fish and water.

He is so good that the opposite sex is overwhelming,

So that he never lacks sexual partners.

It also made him exude a strong stallion temperament.

He is like the Casanova of Italy.

Also like Byron's Don Juan.

Sometimes gentle, sometimes cruel. Sometimes drunk and fanciful, sometimes compassionate.

But this presumptuous, unruly, finally affected his work.

He is capricious.

When filming "The Mutiny on Blood", he requested 4 times to revise the script.

Arrived in Tahiti after a delay of 2 months.

There were 2 fires.

A large number of crew members fell ill.

The more he acted on his behalf, he wanted to change roles, and finally, the director was so angry that he left.

The new director is here.

Angrily left again.

Another new director is here.

Still arguing with Brando.

When filming, Brando put cotton in his ears, not listening to the director or other actors at all. Act yourself.

A few months later, the film was finished.

Brando watched the first cut and asked for a remake of the ending. The director was so angry that he would collapse.

Under his non-cooperation and sabotage, "The Mutiny on Blood" is costly and horrible.

It was prepared for 1 year.

Shooting for 11 months.

Three staff members died.

Burned the equivalent of today's 117 million U.S. dollars.

Even President Kennedy began to inquire, "What happened to this crew?"

His absurdity does not stop there.

He called all the staff to an island to decorate a friend's wedding.

On another occasion, he asked the crew to fly champagne, turkey and ham. Just to hold a banquet.

He often drinks until late at night.

A few hours late the next day.

He gained weight rapidly, gained 40 pounds, and often split the back of his pants.

The designer was troubled. Only to replace Brando's pants with stretch fabrics.

"The Mutiny on Blood" ended in a disastrous defeat.

The serious loss of this film also announced the end of Brando's era of calling the wind and the rain.

During that time, the criticism about him was simply overwhelming.

In the past, everyone had been swallowing their voices because of him being enshrined.

Later, he was finally criticized,

Was blocked by major companies,

Scandals and evil deeds were repeatedly exposed by the media,

Finally dared to speak.

Those who have been bullied, betrayed, hurt, humiliated, deceived, and suppressed by him are all shouting: Happy!

Then trick assists.

Director Ilya Kazan said:

"When I was instructing, halfway through talking, he said to himself'really annoying' and walked away..."

His most proud acting skills have also begun to be questioned.

Many directors say that he does not recite his lines.

The lines are typed out and pasted on the face of the opposing actor, and he just reads it to him.

Even if he participated in a solemn movie like "Apocalypse Now", he regarded it as a thorn.

The director must "endure shooting in the jungles of the Philippines, but also endure the bloody civil war and Brando."

When filming, he was getting fat again.

So that you have to shoot in dim light.

And this is just the beginning.

During the filming process, he continued to be like an emperor, but I was the only one who interfered with the filming, which was very troublesome.

When the film was finished, the director and him openly tore.

Later, someone said that he asked the crew to buy a Harley motorcycle for him when he was filming "House Forbidden Change." But he never sat there.

Some people say that he is not dedicated.

Some people say he is box office poison.

Facing the suppression from the social system, he finally began to feel sad.

Hurt thousands of women,

Give birth to a bunch of illegitimate children,

Maybe he was indifferent.

I even feel that this is a proof of sexual charm.

But his career was damaged and his reputation declined, which meant that he could not make any money. He just started to panic.

He began to find many reasons for his obscenity.

And the best excuse, of course, is the native family.

This is an unsuccessful throwaway.

It is also a perfect reason that no one can refute.

He said, "If you have never been loved, you don't know what love is."

He also said, "Perhaps you are longing for love, and you long for love all your life, but you don't trust others."

His father is indeed a scumbag. Addiction to prostitutes.

Often not at home.

Sleeping women everywhere.

Drinking again. Violent again. And irresponsible.

He has also seen his father beat his mother many times.

When he was 15 years old, his father shot his mother again.

Brando was finally angry.

He carried the knife and walked to his father: "You try to hit her again, and I will kill you."

His father knew that his son had grown up.

The father was scared and sent him to the military school.

I want him to be taught a lesson.

The military academy was too strict, Brando couldn't survive, and dropped out of school. Later mixed with society.

By mistake, he became an actor.

Part of his acting talent comes from his mother.

Brando's mother is talented.

She can play any song on the piano. Yes, any.

But she is also an alcoholic.

Caused by alcoholism. The mother can't give love either.

What he felt most warm in his childhood was a servant. She is of color. Called Hermi.

He remembered that when lying on her, he promised to each other to "love each other forever."

But it didn't take long before Hermi got married.

The mother left.

The father is missing.

Hermi got married.

This is an unbearable nightmare for a child.

He felt abandoned.

Since then, he has become a "bad boy who behaves badly".

Many years later, he had his first child.

This is his favorite son, Christian.

Brando wanted to protect him,

The father is not even allowed to approach.

He was afraid that the nightmare would reappear and hurt the young Christian.

It's a pity that his abusive, ruthless, cruel, or winding path, all took revenge on the child.

After starring in "The Godfather", Christian was kidnapped.

He once thought that this was done by the Mafia.

Because he played the godfather.

But it turned out later that it was not.

When the sheriff went to Mexico, he finally found a 13-year-old child.

He lay in the middle of a group of hippies.

Suffered from severe bronchitis. Almost speechless.

After police investigation, it was discovered that this kidnapping case was behind his first ex-wife Anna Kasfi.

Anna did this because Brando refused to let Anna see the child.

He deprived Anna and the child of the opportunity to meet in a very cruel, unrelenting, and unnegotiable way.

Anna missed her son excessively.

Just do everything to the extreme.

More than a decade later, when he was defending his son in court, he said that Christian was "deeply hurt by the angry divorce lawsuit between him and his ex-wife."

"Christian's life is full of conflicts and unpleasantness." He learned to take drugs early and took pleasure in throwing things.

As I knew it, what did you do as a father and a husband?

Still hunting for beauty and becoming addicted.

Still indulging in carnival, I don't know how to restrain.

Still hurting, doing whatever they want, watching the lovers go crazy one by one and commit suicide.

In Chinese idioms.

It's not that it's not reported, the time has not arrived.

The tragedy is yet to come.

After more than ten years, one late night, a group of police cars drove into Brando's manor.

They received the alarm.

A shooting occurred in Brando's home.

The man killed was his daughter's boyfriend.

The murderer was his son, Christian.

Christian killed Sean's boyfriend with a pistol.

In front of Sean.

At the trial, Brando wore a black suit and attended the court heavily.

He finally admitted: "I am a failed father."

For women, just vent, regardless of responsibility.

Regarding children, just give birth, don't care about raising them.

Such a life must match devastating consequences.

He began to regret it.

"If I understood things better then, things should be handled better..."

But everything is too late!

Christian was sentenced to 10 years in prison.

And Sean, who saw her boyfriend being killed in person, couldn't get better anymore.

She is suffering from severe depression.

And tried to commit suicide many times.

At that time she was already pregnant with her boyfriend's child.

After giving birth to a posthumous child, Sean hanged himself.

After the tragedy, the old Brando wept bitterly.

He sobbed, "I'm sorry... I'm sorry."

Brando didn't attend Sean's funeral for some reason.

Later, his life slipped into a more tragic old age.

In order to pay off the debt, he took a lot of bad movies. Reputation plummeted.

But still cannot make ends meet.


Later, it fell to the point of living on relief.

How arrogant a person was when he was young, the evening scene would be bleak.

How ruthless you are when you are young, how cruel you will be in your old age.

He suffers from diabetes and weighs almost 190 kilograms. He has to rely on wheelchairs to get in and out, and he depends on oxygen bags to maintain his life.

And there was no one around him.

No one takes care of him.

No one loves him.

He went to the hospital alone for treatment.

His lover is gone.

The past is prosperous, as if it no longer exists.

His favorite Christian, like him, suffers from emotional disorders and insanity.

After being released from prison, Christian took drugs, engaged in illegal transactions, and was unmarried all his life, so humble and unworthy.

Later, he was involved in another murder case, and has been restless.

Other children, either taking drugs or working as security guards, are like being cursed, paying a heavy price for their absurd lives.

In July 2004, Brando passed away.

There was no one around me at the time of death.

When he left, he took away 348 pounds of weight, foreign debts of more than 10 million pounds, a bunch of romantic affairs, a film and television symbol...

Only unrelated fans are sad for him.

As for the closest relatives in life, it is a different scene.

Anna Kasfi clapped her hands and cheered, her life's hatred was finally resolved. She said that she could meet Christian now.

She even blatantly denounced: "Brando ruined my son and my life."

"He is a monster."

It can be seen how deeply injured.

I still remember that Brando recorded a volume of recordings before his death. Which talked about myself and my family.

He said:

When my father passed away,

I imagined him with his shoulders broken,

Towards the eternal boundary,

He turned around and said,

"Boy, I have tried my best..."

"I finally forgive my father. Because I understand that the fact that I am a sinner was caused by him."

The father’s sin was caused by his parents.

The cycle continues like this.

But he did not terminate.

Thus, the curse spreads, without beginning and end...

In his later years, Brando was isolated from the world.

He shut himself up at home. Don't go out anymore. No one was seen. Only one radio is used to communicate with passing ships.

He asked them where you came from and where you are going.

It's a bit similar to the ultimate questioning of philosophy.

I don't know at that time, after he sent the signal, whether he heard the overture of the tragedy and the echo of fate.

Have you seen a legend many years later, happening around you?

Legendary name,

It's called Marlon Brando.

Author: Zhou Chong

View more about Listen to Me Marlon reviews

Extended Reading

Listen to Me Marlon quotes

  • Marlon Brando, Himself: Be surprising. Figure out a way to do what has never been done before.

  • Marlon Brando, Himself: Damn, damn, damn, damn. When it's right, it's right! You can feel it in your bones. Then you feel whole. Then you feel good.