Really magical

Bertha 2022-01-20 08:02:11

This is the only movie I've seen since I haven't slept well for a long time. Seriously, I'm a bit like the protagonist in some ways. I lived with a group of strangers before. It was also cowardly and almost crazy at the time. I cried in the bedroom every day, but in this movie, the fear was magnified to the point of horror. . Help. . . If you have the same mentality as the protagonist, watching this movie will really make your whole body numb. The pressure that each character brings to the protagonist is also very good. I really recommend it.

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Magic Magic quotes

  • Brink: The next time you want your pussy eaten out, you can just ask me! I like pussy!

    Alicia: What the fuck?

    Brink: Shut up! You want them to know? Really?

    Alicia: What are you talking about?

    Brink: Shut up! You came into my room and you rubbed your pussy in my face. Who told you to? Why did you do that?

    Alicia: Get away from me! Sara!

    Sara: Hey, baby!

    Alicia: This freak grabbed me! He told me I rubbed my pussy in his face!

    Brink: She did! She did!

    Sara: Whatever! She didn't, man.

    Brink: She did! I swear she did!

    Sara: She did not, okay?

    Brink: Okay, she didn't.

    Sara: Fucking asshole!

    Alicia: I didn't. I didn't!

    Brink: She did.

    Sara: Okay.

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