Under the changes of the times, the most profound thing is not the plot, but the conflict between old logic and new things.

Leonard 2022-08-24 16:09:57

I think it's a good film. Not necessarily all happy endings, not necessarily all pleasing to the eye. Abandoning the perspective of God, everything is justified and reasonable. Saying that the male protagonist is stupid and stubborn to kill himself and his daughter, look at the 21st century. Are there fewer stupid people and stupid and stubborn people around you? His family of three generations of hunters, a family living alone in the forest, can have any communication skills. If he is good at communication, he can only be a pervert or a fugitive who is willing to live that kind of life. In fact, it is logical that the police who do not trust the lazy police cannot recognize the huge risks of perverted homicides. When dealing with wild beasts for a lifetime, the highest level of alertness and confrontation ability is aimed at wolves, or even lone wolves all the time. This is the inevitable result that traditional hunters cannot integrate into modern society. There is also a metaphor in the film. The wolves were even defeated by hunters, and only a lone wolf came back. And in front of the wicked, what is a wolf? The hunter doesn't understand, it's normal. As for the daughter, she is a little girl who loves literature herself. She thinks she has grown up and is smart enough to grow up in a single father and mother environment, and she will be dumbfounded when encountering things. Of course it is a tragedy in a tragedy.

Some people say that too many shots were wasted on the little girl before, but it didn't show any power in the end. Actually, it depends on what you want to see. According to traditional horror movies, you can ask for bloody scenes and repeated fights, preferably anti-killing. At the climax of the movie, only a corner of her body was left to be burned.

This is tragedy, this touches the soul. (There is also a metaphor in the film. The wolves were even defeated by hunters, and only the lone wolf came back.)

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