Do not hate bad people, but hate bad people who cause bad people

Hilbert 2022-08-24 21:27:42

The title of the film is translated as "Human Wolf Evil", presumably to express that the human heart is more ferocious than the wolf. However, it does not apply to this film. The original name " Hunter Hunter " is probably meant to express a kind of "Mantis hunts cicadas, the oriole is behind", the hunter always hunts for the cruel danger of nature. It's not that man or wolf is evil. Focus. Of course, this film seems to be the worst for perverted people, and wolves in it are simply cute puppies who are also good at stealing. However, the pervert is certainly hateful and terrifying, and the hatred towards him after watching the film is far less than the hatred towards that father. The stubborn and arrogant father incurred everything.

If he doesn’t want to call the police because he already knows the local policy, the police’s sabotage, Barabara, etc., it is excusable, but he found that there was a perverted demon near his home, but he did not notify his wife and daughter. Decided to hunt the demon alone-it was the same as if he didn't tell his wife after discovering the wolf, he couldn't forgive him. Probably he thinks that he shouldn't let his wife and daughter be frightened. From this point of view, he must be considered a good person. However, the bad guy is often turned into the culprit—just like his wife saves others. Underestimating the opponent's strength is incorrigible arrogance. The beasts are fighting each other, and when you go all out, there is no dignity at this time, and the power of the wife and daughter should also be used-at least they must be warned. The wife too, should not hesitate to shoot the perverted demon directly after discovering the truth-but she made a reasonable mistake. It was not a pity for the husband to die, it was he who put his unknowing wife and daughter in danger and ultimately killed his daughter. This point is really outrageous and unforgivable.

The hunter thought he was a hunter, but became the prey of the perverted demon. The pervert also thought he was a hunter. He did hunt the hunter and his daughter, and almost killed his wife, but eventually became the prey of his wife. The theme of " Hunter Hunter " has been further deepened here, which is the highlight of the film. The flaw lies in the preparation of so much for the 13-year-old daughter, especially the close-up of her discovery of the devil's wound, and the belief that it was her who completed the counter-kill. The result was meaningless.

It seems that the male police who refused to be a " Hunter Hunter " could explain: he thought he was a hunter and was hunted as a result, although he might have saved his life in the end. Cruelty is everywhere in the savage land. To survive, you have to use all your strength all the time like a lion fights a rabbit.

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