The title has nothing to do with the plot series · plus depression

Wilfred 2022-08-24 11:35:14

Seeing the title and introduction, I thought it would be a movie similar to the wolf totem. But in fact, the whole film of wolves does not appear for a minute. It is only through the introduction of the struggle between man and wolves to tell a more sinister story of a man.

So I originally wanted to watch a popcorn movie, but I felt very depressed after watching it, because the good guy ended up pretty miserable.

In addition, I really want to complain about the character of the little girl in the movie. The preparations made before the movie make me feel like a brave child. But the rest is hard to say. For example, my father went out to hunt wolves and told her not to follow. She insisted on following, but she was frightened on the way back alone. In the end, watching my mother fighting the gangster, she just stood on the side and yelled "please no". In this case, wouldn't it be useful if you didn't fuck a guy to go up and help?

In conclusion, it is not recommended to watch a movie that sells dog meat and makes you gloomy.

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