Strong screenwriting skills

Royce 2022-12-23 21:26:36

It is a light fear, which always makes people nervous, but it is just right. In the tolerable range, the main event is put on the suspense. It is a successful commercial movie. The rhythm skills, shot scheduling are very good, the context is clear, and the progress is gradual. At the beginning, the film is horrified in a way that looks like a dream, a fantasy and a ghost, and the blood on the protagonist’s face clearly explains the background of the war. Then, through combat, we briefly introduced each person's personality characteristics and division of functions. In just a few minutes, I got into the weird topic: the atmosphere of the official residence-the soldier had a villa but could not live but was curled up in a jeep, the previous group was obviously rich in supplies but eager to leave and even left the radio station, the mattress was not used to live but moved there Basement, flickering about the reason for leaving... But the relaxation brought about by the dressing swept away the suspicious atmosphere. Searching for rooms, pianos, setting... just like this, it keeps advancing in a relaxed rhythm, constantly superimposing and fusing information, until the arrival of the German army pushes the tension to a critical point. The tension of war and the fear of haunting are organically combined to complement each other. The room is haunted, there are German troops outside, and the nervousness has gone up to another level. But the funny thing is that the ghost is not here to make trouble, but to help, wipe out the German troops in the house one by one. The film progressed to one third, and the first climax was a success. General ghost movies are focused on "whether there are ghosts", "what kind of ghosts", etc., occupying a lot of space, but this film is anti-routine, cherishing the old routines like gold, and preventing the audience from aesthetic fatigue. When all the information in the first two-thirds of the page is explained and the audience is waiting to see the battle between humans and ghosts, the style of painting has changed, and it turns out that everything is treated with the help of virtual images. This reversal is creative! When it is difficult to innovate in war films, ghost films, and science fiction films, the audience is also tired of this type of film, and it is ingenious to knead the three together. The protagonist returns to the virtual world, echoing the beginning, and the film comes to an abrupt end. It seems that the director is planning a sequel. However, the story also has flaws. In reality, why do Arab women die with American soldiers in Afghanistan? Is this layer also not the real world, so logical loopholes are reserved? Is it for the foreshadowing of the sequel?

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Ghosts of War quotes

  • Title Card: This war will not end. With every mile my body and spirit break. Every jolt makes brittle my mind. Each step pulls me further from home until I am the shell of the man that kissed my mother goodbye a forever ago.

    Title Card: And I tense endlessly. Not knowing which will arrive first, the bullet that takes my life or my final chance for redemption. -D. Werner, 18 years old, WWII Private 1st Class