Life like summer flowers

Alan 2022-10-06 20:44:36

This movie feels a bit unfinished...Allen's movies are very dramatic, and Shakespeare has a sense of sight. Before the end of this movie, I thought it was pretty good, and the ending was too flat. It looks like it's over, so I give 3.5 (a bit I want to give 3)

"Oh my God, someone actually committed suicide for love? However, it is understandable. If you have never had anything, once you experience (possess) something, you suddenly lose it all..."

There are still three women, my husband, wife and lover, in my heart, sister Hannah, midnight Barcelona, ​​etc.

I remember in the interview collection that women’s hearts are very interesting. Women are more complicated than men, because women are emotional creatures; it’s really amazing. Women are born for love and are born to find love. of.

This movie reminds me of three songs by Pu Shu:

One is that the theme of the movie, Diane's memories, is called, don't always think about the sad memories of the past, but INFP. The Fi-Si cycle is the one who likes to lick the wounds of the past. (Looking at my favorite artists, they are basically INFP, Pu Shu, Woody Allen, Jay Chou, Camus, Van Gogh, Li Zhi, etc. wait wait wait)

So lyrics 1: Your life is not long, so you can't use her to grieve;

The second theme: what the writer said to mia farrow, we met this summer and then we left;

It reminds me of the journey! (I like this song so much)

"This is a journey, a boundless journey called destiny. We meet by chance and then leave, on this road that never returns."

Sure enough, the personality is amazing. The artists of the INFP may have different carriers, but the core can always find a lot of similarities;

Finally, the male lead said to mia farrow, this summer is over so soon;

It’s still too late for Hackberry

"It's fast

My summer

Floating like clouds

Saying she will never come back

Really want to see you

You guys are still playing

Fly with me again

Don't forget

Your face that day


What a similar kernel! ! !

Mia Farrow is inferior to Diane Keaton, really inferior. . . .

romantic: Lonely man and widow, in the small room, it rains heavily late at night, this is the romantic in my heart;

I thought of a very romantic scene. In the summer, outskirts, and at night, lone men and women drove, and then it rained heavily, and the air-conditioning was turned on. They stopped the car in the outskirts of the country. The two people quietly listened to the sound of the rain and changed the atmosphere. The lights are full.

This time is most suitable for lone men and widows to talk about the Three Views, life and other in-depth topics, and then it is also suitable for a post.

The theme of Survivor reminds me of Camus’ plague; after all, Allen has read Camus,

Allen's movies can always be classified as existential movies

Always looking for the meaning of life, and at the end of each time it’s a carpe dime, being a little gran in the plague, resisting the absurd

Sweet, romantic, crush, attractive, flatter

Blue, so love is red

Why do I fall in love with him instead of you?

No reason, science can explain macro-attractiveness, but it can't explain micro-individual love

A touch of jazz

If you can control

The gap between fantasy and reality

Back to square one

A husband who specializes in X-ray, but can’t see his wife’s heart,

Woody’s insight into women’s hearts is so awesome, like I feel that maybe I can feel it, but I can’t express it so romantically.

Midnight in Paris, midsummer night comedy

Poor Diane, the acting is great

View more about September reviews

Extended Reading

September quotes

  • Diane: The Richmonds are flooded, electricity's gone off. God is testing us and I for one am gonna be prepared. Where's the vodka?

  • Diane: Jesus! Look at my hands. Now really, I am too young for liver spots. Maybe I can merge them into a tan.