Creepy foreshadowing

Arvid 2022-09-05 21:25:39


This drama contains too many elements, many people think it is novel, many people think it is complicated, the opinions are different, and the degree of preference is also divided into two factions, but I have to say that the whole drama is quite exciting! The elements of the ghost drama are still terrifying, but compared to other ghost movies, there is nothing outstanding and special. The axis of the whole movie is blurred, and the reversal of the ending is actually a horrible appetite. Obviously this is the director's style! Only four of the five characters have distinct personalities, except for Kirk, who tickled with a fork at the beginning of the film, which should be due to the length of time, so the director can only focus on the other four characters.

After watching the movie, I was hanged by the ending, so I had to crawl to ask for answers, but most of the explanations are a cycle of events. Although I answered part of it, I felt that something was missing. So I re-analyzed the ending and the beginning and found out Focus! Although it may be a big brainstorm, it’s just like that in the film.

At the beginning of the movie, after the captain Chris woke up, he found that there was a dark shadow in front of him. The director did not give the audience too much information about the dark shadow. He laid the groundwork here and focused on the captain’s actions. He watched it first. Look at the teammates around you, look at the following picture

In the picture, on the left hand side of the captain are Kirk and Eugene, sleeping peacefully
Tappert and Butchie are sleeping on the right.

After confirming his teammates, the captain looked at the shadow ahead with fear

Next is the scene in the ending:

In the final scene, Kirk and Eugene are still lying on the left of the captain
but! ! ! Only Tappert is lying on the right hand side of the captain! Where did Butchie go? ? ? ? ? ? ?

At this time, the director took a close-up shot of the black shadow. This is where we can clearly see the brand of the cigar and the black shadow's face!

see it? ! ? ! I used the color toning app to adjust the brightness. In order to facilitate the analysis, the black shadow’s face was burned. In the previous video, Butchie was holding the bomb in the mansion, and outside the Islamic house, pushing away the woman holding the bomb. In the hospital, we can also see Butchie's face is obviously disfigured!

So I’m terrified when I see here, and I have a few bold guesses.

First: Before and after, we can see that Butchie was disfigured by the bomb. The director also featured his face at the end, so it is very likely that Butchie is the real man behind the scenes!?

Second: It’s not for no reason why I say this. From the front, Butchie is a victorious and proud man, but he who sacrificed heroically, how could he die like this? Maybe he wanted to drag his teammates together and be trapped here to die. The cycle of accompany him

Third: How can Li Gui enter the system so smoothly? Someone must have helped the ghost hack into the system! That person is Butchie!

The above is my unbelievable answer! Although it seems very illogical, the close-up given by the director conveys this meaning! Butchie suddenly disappeared for no reason, so what did he do? !

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Ghosts of War quotes

  • Title Card: This war will not end. With every mile my body and spirit break. Every jolt makes brittle my mind. Each step pulls me further from home until I am the shell of the man that kissed my mother goodbye a forever ago.

    Title Card: And I tense endlessly. Not knowing which will arrive first, the bullet that takes my life or my final chance for redemption. -D. Werner, 18 years old, WWII Private 1st Class