The distance between you and sexually assaulting a goat

Cleveland 2022-10-08 21:12:15

Brad's cardiovascular system expanded rapidly under the stimulation of alcohol, his heartbeat accelerated, blood flow accelerated, the central nervous system was attacked by ethanol, the inhibitory function of the brain was weakened, and Brad became more excited. With ten minutes left, there was still wine, and another glass was poured. The next second, the wine mixed with gastric juice spouted out of Brad's mouth and nose. Brad didn't wipe his mouth, allowing the viscous mixture to run around the corners of his mouth, because he was confused, not sure if he would wipe the mud all over his mouth again. Thirty minutes ago, he was torn in the mud with another newcomer.

Brad is ready for the next drink immediately. If he doesn't finish drinking the wine within the stipulated time, Brad will have sex with a goat under violent pressure.

Why did things develop into such a situation? In fact, Brad is no different from most of us ordinary people. He is even kinder and more gentle and shy than you and me. Even at an emotionally indulgent party, when he is drunk, he will keep a distance from the objects he has always crushed. He is now experiencing both physical and psychological torture. As a victim of abuse, he knows that all of this is his own choice. At this moment, Stockholm syndrome is still working on him. The violent party is a member of the school’s fraternity, and one of the core members is his brother. Brad chose to go through all this for what is the purpose, very simple, because of a certain accident, he must join the fraternity.

A few weeks ago, after that incident, at a casual party in front of an apartment that didn't seem special, Brad, who had just entered school, was called by his brother Brett to Dixon, a fraternity leader.

Dixon is eating ice cream with a small spoon, but he has strong arms and a strong body like a retired soldier. He has always maintained a kind of oppressive ruler arrogance when he sees his juniors.

Brett introduced the two to each other. Dixon: "Is it okay, Brad, what do you think of this shit-like life? It's too trash, right?"

Brad: "I don't know, great time, right."

Answer the question that is not on the strong side. Dixon showed a displeased expression, frowned and reluctantly said a few words to deal with, then left with some contemptuous eyes as an excuse.

Brett discovered that his brother, who had not yet joined the fraternity, had not figured out the situation, and did not understand his intention to introduce Dixon to him. He told Brad: "Don't talk about good times anymore, they won't let you join the fraternity just because you are my brother."

Brad appears to be quite satisfied with his current life. As a rookie who just entered school, he didn't let Dixon see that he wanted to join the Brotherhood.

You can't join the fraternity casually, as Brad knows of course. But brother Brett still wanted to prepare his brother. "They are all hot-tempered people, you have to say hello to them, look into their eyes and let them know that you want to join."

The relaxed look on Brad's face disappeared, because of that, joining the Brotherhood was something he had to do, but now he felt like he had messed up in the first place. "Then what do you want me to do?"

"Relax, I just want you to have fun, don't be so nervous."

Only then did Brett realize that he shouldn't push his brother too hard.

At such a common party, an unusual person suddenly appeared. Mitch, with messy hair, a sloppy beard, wearing an inexperienced T-shirt and shorts, pulling flip-flops, screamed into the middle of the party. He was the most outstanding senior at the time, and now passing by the school, he happened to see the rookies he had tossed back then. Of course, these rookies have now become the leaders of the Brotherhood. Although Mitch, who has been bidding farewell to school for many years, has lost the spirit of the year, he even learned to be humble in front of his schoolboys, but his crazy appearance clearly tells everyone that he is still nostalgic for the madness at that time. Therefore, he originally planned to have a drink and then go home to find his wife and children, so he drank it until the night.

At night, after the insignificant people had left, Mitch continued to reminisce in the room with his brotherhood brothers. Because of the effects of alcohol, Mitch seemed to be back to school. Even Dixon, who had always been fierce, gave Mitch a respectful look. Because of his brother Brett, Brad was also among the group of grumpy males who had been set ablaze by Mitch. When the old-fashioned atmosphere reached a point, Mitch turned his attention to Brad.

Mitch: "Hey! Is this the hapless bastard? I heard about it." Mitch stared at Brad seriously and said, "That kind of thing won't happen again, do you understand." Brad nodded. Mitch continued to approach Brad. "Do you know why, this is a brotherhood, you know, we are gentlemen, we don't like fighting, but if we want to fight, we will all go, do you understand!"

The neurotic Mitch became more agitated and louder. People surrounded him. He was like a rugby coach who incited players during the intermission. Mitch pointed to Chance, his eyes still fixed on Brad. "If those bastards trouble Chance, they are trouble all of us! They want to fight Brett, they just want to fight all of us! The same is true for you, do you understand." Everyone present was solemn and completely immersed in Mitch Excited with indignation, as if they would knock out the enemy's teeth with their fists in the next second.

Mitch said to Brad, "Slap me in the face."

Brad laughed at a loss.

"Hurry up and hit me in the face, hit me in the face!" Mitch slapped Brad's head fiercely. "Tm hit me in the face!"

Brad smiled awkwardly at the hysterical Mitch and said, "I won't hit you..."

"Hit!" Mitch took off his shirt, topless, "Hit my stomach!" He slapped Brad after speaking. As long as Brad doesn't do anything, he keeps slapping Brad's face. Mitch didn't use too much effort, but instead used his hysteria to provoke Brad.

Finally, Brad punched Mitch in the stomach. Everyone boiled, as if Brad scored the winning goal in a penalty shootout, and people cheered. Mitch is more like a gorilla who has won a battle, topless and waving his fists up and down in cheers.

"Slap me again, hit hard!" Mitch continued to slap Brad's face. Then Brad slapped Mitch in the face. Mitch hit back and shouted to continue. Brad and Mitch began to slap each other amidst the violent mood of the crowd, getting harder and harder.

Brad's madness was completely ignited by Mitch. The party reached its climax. Mitch held Brad's head in both hands and everyone started cheering.

Mad Mitch began his "great greeting": "Cheers to the greatest group of gentlemen in the history of the civilized world!"

Everyone shouted together: "Brotherhood! Holy brother, will never die! Brother, forever! Brother, nothing is difficult! Brother..."

At this moment, Brad, who was shouting with others, seemed to be completely free from the shadow of that incident. He felt the strength, felt the courage, he felt that he suddenly became extremely powerful. At this moment, the Brotherhood means a lot to him, and he really wants to join the Brotherhood.

Entering the fraternity is not so easy. In the following days, Brad and the newcomers accepted strict assessments from the members of the Brotherhood. Brad stood among the newcomers like a recruit in the army, and together experienced Dixon's insult like the devil instructor in "Full Metal Shell". Forced to pour a lot of beer amid the insults of the members of the Brotherhood. Kneeling on the ground was humiliated by everyone. Kneeling like a dog and bite the sausage in the sewage. He was naked, crawling on the ground, and being trampled underfoot by members of the Brotherhood. People who drink and throw up are locked in a dog cage, and they are also splashed with alcohol and directly drenched in urine. He was blindfolded in a deep sleep, and was forced to eat "shit" by pressing his head in the toilet. Ride under the crotch, torn and beaten with other newcomers like a dog fight. Kneeling on the ground, blindfolded, forced to have the genitals of a member of the Brotherhood in his mouth. If you don’t drink a full barrel of wine at the set time, you will have sex with the goat.

Brad is very clear and familiar, what he is enduring now is violence, it is real violence. Just like the Stanford prison experiment, the members of the Brotherhood indulged in a violent madness.

The Brotherhood, a social group commonly found in every university in the United States, is continuing to lower its bottom line at this moment. Joining the fraternity does have its advantages. Being a member of the fraternity means that you will have a richer life and may have better connections. This will have obvious advantages for college life and even future work. Buffett, Zuckerberg, and even most presidents of the United States are members of the Brotherhood.

But this does not mean that everyone has to join the Brotherhood. In fact, even if you don't join the Brotherhood, a normal college student can complete his college life wonderfully. Not all brotherhoods will fall into bottomless madness. Some fraternities mainly do some charity activities, some focus on academic research, and some social fraternities also have academic requirements. If there is a member's risk of credits, he will temporarily stop the activities of the fraternity. Even if our Brad does not join the fraternity, it will not affect his normal university life. However, for him, joining this brotherhood but driven by his normal psychological reaction has become an inevitable choice. how so? Everything must start from that event.

Now, let us get to know Brad again.

A plaid shirt and a pair of student-like glasses, although he looks more slick, Brad doesn't think he is a nerd. Maybe there is a reason for his brother at home, as the younger brother Brad's personality is a little weak. But he didn't rely on anyone's ideas, he had his own independent thinking, and he didn't want to be a cowardly person.

Brad seemed a little out of place at this increasingly out of control party. The two girls in the room were kissing each other naked, and Brett's best friends began to share the benefits of cocaine. All this is getting more and more weird for Brad, Brett wants to relax him, but Brad decides to leave here.

Walking out of the restless room, the outdoor air made him sober. Brad found his car and planned to go home. At this time, a person walked in from the dark, just like Brad just came out of the party, and planned to take Brad's car. Brad just wanted to go home now, and didn't intend to go anywhere else. The other party said that the place he was going was not far away, and he repeatedly pleaded for Brad's help. Brad agreed, and the other party turned around and said that he wanted to call his brother. Brad began to worry a little at this time.

The waiting time was much longer than expected, and just when Brad was starting to wonder, the people just came. The person sat in the co-pilot, and another person sat in the back with a black sweater and hat on. In the beginning, apart from the darkness of the night road, everything seemed to be nothing unusual. The person in the co-pilot looked relaxed, but the look in the rearview mirror of Brad looked a little weird.

The road is getting darker and darker, and I don't know where the purpose is. Brad asks where he is going. The person in the passenger seat showed an impatient expression and told Brad to leave it alone. When the other party felt that the time was almost time, they told Brad to turn, and the car turned on a dirt road in the wilderness, and Brad faced the total darkness ahead. Brad saw the situation getting worse and told him he was really going home. Finally, the person next to him revealed his fierce original form.

What Brad was worried about happened. He was caught by the person behind and thrown out of the car by the two of them. Brad understands the importance of self-protection and tells the two that he can give them everything. But the other party ignored Brad's pleading, kicked him hard in the chest and dragged him to the front of the car.

"What's the bank card password?" Just as Brad hesitated a little, the other party slammed him in the face. The other party learned the code, and Brad's mouth and nose bleed more and more blood. He crawled awkwardly on the ground and begged to let him go. But the other party didn't seem to want to stop, and tortured Brad like a beast. In the wilderness, in the dark night, the scent of death was smelled in the moment of tranquility. The man punched Brad to the ground again, then turned to the man in the hoodie and said, "Are you going to do a few more?"

The man in the hoodie threw away his cigarette butt, stepped forward, rode on Brad's body, and punched Brad's face hard, punch after punch. Brad's ears buzzed and his consciousness began to blur. Brad never knows why he is so unlucky, if the opponent keeps hitting a few more times, he might die here. Brad hasn't done anything hurtful in the past twenty years or so. On this ordinary day, he went to visit his brother and went to a party together. In an indulgent atmosphere, he chose to refrain from cocaine and decided to go home honestly. During a helpful ride, at the moment the car turned into the darkness, Brad, who became more anxious, began to understand his dangerous situation.

"Today is considered bloody mildew."

Brad in the car might be thinking so.

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