The road roller failed to carry the violin, and the violin failed to hit the road roller

Dane 2022-09-03 05:07:45

A big boy who is as tall, handsome, stable and practical as a road roller, and a little boy who is as small, cute, romantic and innocent as a violin. It seems that when I was young, I also heard the warning that "he has such poor grades is definitely not a good boy, you still have to have choices when you make friends". The roller can only make a rumbling sound and is not allowed to listen to Merlot. The violin must be held in Without being allowed to get oil in their hands, they can't even friends do it. The little boy drove the road roller forward and backward happily, and the older boy wiped his hands vigorously before taking over the delicate violin. They were full of curiosity and yearning for each other. You can imagine how wonderful the lives of these two classes will be when they merge, but the paper airplane that carries all the innocence is not seen after all. In the end, the big boy started dating a woman he didn't like, and the little boy could only always want to look at the wonderful world in the mirror. The road roller still failed to carry the violin forward.

The 46-minute short film is full of countless moving details, such as the apple core of the little girl who was trembling, and the huge house collapsed to reveal the magnificence of the distant place... It is a pity that all the moving bits have crashed. Only the dream in that mirror is left. The world reflected by the lenses and puddles in this film is really fascinating. I hate children, because the innocence and beauty that they initially revealed always fades quickly in time. Maybe it was an illusion, maybe it was a little bit swallowed by this world.

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