It's a story about curses and punishment

Brice 2022-08-25 12:38:31

The five members of Chris's team performed the task of covering the informant's retreat in Afghanistan. The team was besieged by isis. The informant arranged for the team members to hide in the secret room behind the wall. They never betrayed them, but the team members did not choose to rescue the informant in order to save themselves. Seeing that the informant and the children were brutally killed by ISIS, the team members were blown up by the resentful informant wife and cursed after they came out of the hiding place.

In order to treat the post-war psychological trauma of disabled team members, doctors connect the soldiers' brains with computers and perform tasks in the virtual world to build confidence and get rid of pain. Then, it was haunted.

The ghost makes all sorts of signs hoping to remind the team members in the virtual world of what happened in Afghanistan. For example, the methods of killing the German army include burning, drowning, and hanging. Kirk experienced the feeling of being hanged.

The one who threw the grenade suffered the same injuries in the virtual world as in the real world. This is the arrangement of the ghost, not the arrangement of the system itself (the system is benign). The ghost means to make you suffer again in the virtual world. Pain is not only the pain of our family, but also the pain of your being maimed by the bombing. Others think you are healing, but in fact you are suffering.

There are still people in the team who simply think that they can be buried according to the Christian ceremony. As a result, they are Muslims. This is a big taboo, and hatred is increased. It is not that the power of ghosts has increased. It should be a game. The funeral of a Muslim is almost the same as looking for an imam to visit the grave.

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Ghosts of War quotes

  • Title Card: This war will not end. With every mile my body and spirit break. Every jolt makes brittle my mind. Each step pulls me further from home until I am the shell of the man that kissed my mother goodbye a forever ago.

    Title Card: And I tense endlessly. Not knowing which will arrive first, the bullet that takes my life or my final chance for redemption. -D. Werner, 18 years old, WWII Private 1st Class