[Movie] 20028 [6.15] "Cold Game"

Aniyah 2022-09-29 22:32:04

At first glance, the building on the movie poster might be mistaken for one of the Seven Sisters of Moscow, but in fact it is located in the Palace of Culture and Science in Warsaw. This skyscraper built in the Red Era is still the tallest building in Poland today. It is a "gift from the Soviet Union to the Polish people." Although the Iron Curtain has already fallen, the Palace of Culture and Science still stands quietly and has become Warsaw. The business card of Poland has witnessed the turbulence and changes in Poland that have gone through more than half a century from the Cold War to the present.

An ordinary chess game, but because of the players from the United States and the Soviet Union, there are hidden waves. At the same time, the Cuban Missile Crisis that occurred on the other side of the world put a heavier political cloak on this sporting event. And it doesn’t stop there. Warsaw, as the venue of the game, is on the front line of the Iron Curtain. The dark clouds of World War III inevitably make the seemingly neutral arena a battlefield for espionage. Under the calm haze, yes. Tensions, a huge wave ready to go.

As a spy war movie, although the film has a limited budget and a small cast, it also smoothly interprets the intrigue and cunning humanity in it. How to be cautious and cautious about the two camps, fighting wits and courage, distinguishing allies and traitors based on details, and finally successfully conveying true intelligence is also well portrayed. Although it did not create a very intense and exciting atmosphere, it actually echoed the background of the Cold War era.

In addition to the obvious intelligence warfare, the film actually narrates a cold truth in a deeper level-there is no so-called justice and evil between the big countries. In the view of the Soviets, they pursued idealized communism for all, and their individual interests were completely transferred to the collective. They wanted to spread this nobleness to the world and realize the liberation of all mankind without any means; while the Americans emphasized that Individual values, they use democracy as a weapon, they are actually defending the interests of the ruling class that holds capital, while the people of other countries and people of color who are "non-self ethnic groups" have all become the targets of double labeling. In fact, they have their own standpoints and dreams. They will never understand each other. They are all right from their respective perspectives, but they are wrong in trying to impose ideology on other countries and nations.

Poland is such an unfortunately chosen experiment. The so-called first-rate countries as chess players, second-rate countries as pawns, and third-rate countries as chessboards, Poland can only be reduced to a chessboard where great powers attack each other in the cracks. Although the Warsaw Pact was named after the capital of Poland, Poland, which was supposed to be a red base area, has an unspeakable humiliation: before it was divided up three times in the nineteenth century, and then there was the entirety of the Katyn Forest that was strangled by the Soviets and Germany. The national pillar class, and the tragic Warsaw uprising mentioned by the person in charge of the Palace of Culture and Science in the movie, the Eastern Slavs may directly or indirectly stabbed the Western Slavs who should have been siblings, drinking the blood of the latter repeatedly, and the latter. The flesh and blood for food. The shame of subjugation, the humiliation of the hip, the hatred of killing the father, it is no wonder that the Poles have violated the Soviet eldest brother because the red on the flag is soaked in the blood of the Polish people.

But helplessly, we are still in a world where the weak and the strong eat the strong. Many years after the iron curtain fell, the big powers are still the players of the international chess game, quietly planting the seeds of division and opposition everywhere in the world. The Cold War is over, and it is replaced by the tranquility before another storm, but the undercurrent has become more turbulent than before. The Vistula River is still rushing, and Poland is still the chessboard, but it has changed its camp and has become NATO's missile position against Russia. The Palace of Culture and Science has become a symbol of humiliation. It has been tried to be demolished countless times, and finally nothing is lost. What lies hidden in it are all the inexhaustible contradictions and confusions in the hearts of the Polish people.

Acceptable, you need to have a little understanding of the background and don't collect it.

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The Coldest Game quotes

  • Title Card: In the early 1960s, U.S. - Soviet realtions are the worst in the history of the Cold War. After the Cuban Revolution, Soviet troops are only 100 miles from Florida.

    Title Card: In October 1962, President Kennedy is informed of silos built in Cuba and increased Soviet military activity. It looks like preparations for war.

    Title Card: A global war.

    Title Card: A nuclear global war.

  • Agent Stone: God protects children, drunks, and the United States, as they say.