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Weston 2022-01-20 08:03:12

Although Anne fell in love with Ann in a second, but since the plot behind it is good, I don't have to pursue it. After all, this is not the point.

This film has several shocking words.

"A good friendship is better than a marriage."

"I was born to like women. If I marry a man, it is against God's intention to create me."

Anne represents a very intelligent and independent woman, she represents a kind of avant-garde thinking, no matter in that era, or in this era, it is still applicable. I admire this kind of woman very much. She reminds me of my mother and is what I want to be. Her erudition, her humor, her sturdiness...

Although Ann has always been a woman with mental symptoms in it, she also gave me a lot of reflection on how to find her own way and stay firm under the many rules and regulations, as it should be. Thinking of this, I felt that Ann's crying was actually a necessary process, and no one's decision was right at that time. And Ann has really worked hard for this relationship, "She was so close..." She was really touched by this sentence. No matter in which era, there will always be people who stick to the rules, but there will always be people who can get out of the mud and find their true freedom.

Ann is really brave.

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