Nothing is done, it’s a movie worth watching for anyone interested in this subject, and won’t be disappointed.

Cleve 2022-09-15 00:29:51

4 stars to get points, I think this movie is worth 6 points in the same type of theme

In fact, I have always been interested in the scene of fishing boats. I remembered a murder case involving a "Lu Rongyu" ocean-going fishing boat. It shocked me when I saw it. .

Fishing boats are far away from the land, lonely on the sea, and the space is small. The ocean fishing boats go for dozens of days or even longer. A group of people crowded together every day, listening to the smell of fish and bearing the pressure of the sea breeze. It is quite depressing to think about it. . . When the fishing boat is attacked by unknown creatures and parasites, the whole style of painting becomes desperate. The heroine can remain calm throughout, and finally sacrifice herself resolutely. It is really a strange woman.

That sea area is designated as a restricted area because there are groups of whales and unknown creatures happen to be in that sea area. Is this a coincidence?

The empty ship is also worth mentioning. The people on the ship all died sitting around the dining table, which means that there was no fierce fighting before death. At the same time, the hostess found that the radio on the ship was damaged. It is conceivable that the people on the empty ship have also gone through ideological struggles. When they found that they were all infected, some people wanted to call for help by radio. Maybe there was also a person on the ship who advocated isolation like the hostess, in order to prevent the crew. Desperate to call other ships to come and infect more people, so the radio was smashed. In the end, everyone on the ship accepted their fate and sat around the dining table waiting for death.

The final ending can also be a little reverie. Has the female captain successfully landed on her own? Is she really not infected? There are also engineers, after all, after the old aunt fell down the stairs, larvae popped out of her eyes, indicating that just checking her eyes with a flashlight is not safe. If the engineer and the female captain are infected, they will come to other people. Said it was another disaster.

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Sea Fever quotes

  • Gerard: [on the corpse strewn boat] Sea Fever; One Of Them Gets It... Then spreads it around

    Siobhán: Doesn't explain his eyes

    Gerard: [dismissive] Must've been a fight

  • [last lines]

    Sudi: Are My Eyes Open Or Closed?