Sea fever: This is a long-planned test

Heath 2022-10-30 16:29:36

Sea fever: This is a long-planned test

  • This film review is an unprovoked conspiracy theory inference, any similarity is purely coincidental.
  • The heroine of the movie has a low IQ. I guess it is because of a lack of budget.

At the beginning of the film, everyone in the laboratory is celebrating the completion of an important study (and someone’s birthday). The female protagonist, as the real productivity of the scientific research community, is the standard female experimental dog in the doctoral supervisor's laboratory, doing experiments alone to observe this parasite that is said to come from "hadal" (under six kilometers).

"Boss, this thing is obviously not Hadal's parasite! Your thesis... is it wrong?" "Send you a ticket, ask you to go out to sea, how far and how far away... No, a death internship arranged for you ...No, I mean your graduation internship...Why don't you leave? Looking at this old ticket, you won't be able to board the ruined ship!" the PhD supervisor asked impatiently.

"I'm the best experimental dog in the laboratory, don't you love me, boss?" "You are an excellent scientist, but you can't graduate with a Ph.D. if you don't go for an internship. Well, as long as you kneel, there is nothing People know that my thesis is falsified. So the world is clean."

The captain received the black money from the doctoral supervisor, changed the course, and must enter the restricted area, unaware that he had become the sacrifice of the conspiracy. The doctoral supervisor is the sample of the test product found here, but the traits and power of the original organism still need to be tested by people, so sending the "experimental dog" heroine became one of the choices.

That's why the heroine was calm at one time, she felt like she had seen these parasites somewhere. (This sentence is a guess...)

At the end, the experimental results were successfully recovered (there are survivors and samples).

In fact, going ashore for treatment is the best choice, but there are too many actors who need special effects and script development. It is very likely that you will have to rent a hospital. The heroine is guided by the director and screenwriter to choose the suicide route that damages the propeller.

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Sea Fever quotes

  • Gerard: [on the corpse strewn boat] Sea Fever; One Of Them Gets It... Then spreads it around

    Siobhán: Doesn't explain his eyes

    Gerard: [dismissive] Must've been a fight

  • [last lines]

    Sudi: Are My Eyes Open Or Closed?