
Angie 2022-01-21 08:02:23

The scenes of this movie are very beautiful, especially when the heroine is walking alone in a daze. The lush forest valleys are just like a picture scroll. This movie is a fairly complete presentation of the main story of "Pride and Prejudice", but I don’t know if it’s not very smooth and natural in terms of emotion due to time. The audience can’t fully appreciate the kind of arrogance and prejudice that sees love. change. The arrogance and prejudice in life may take many years to erase, so in real life we ​​are still cautious to be arrogant and try to stay away from prejudice, which will affect you to make correct judgments and choices. After all, not everyone is lucky enough for Elizabeth to meet Mr. Darcy who is willing to patiently eliminate your prejudices.

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Pride and Prejudice quotes

  • Lydia Bennet: Look at Kitty! She's a drunken door!

  • Mr. Collins: I understand, my dear Miss Elizabeth, that it is the delicate and charming custom of young ladies to say no when they mean yes, even three or four refusals. I am, therefore, by no means discouraged.