Small cost deep sea monster movie

Olen 2022-08-19 14:42:51

3 stars, not bad this movie can be seen. The scene is more real and the actors' acting skills are online. The vast ocean, the mysterious monsters, and the sci-fi background setting without mysticism. Only the game between humans and nature creates a good atmosphere for the film. But subject to the low-cost production restrictions, the monsters still hold their pipa half-hidden, there is no massacre, no blood, no big scenes. Only the compact plot advancement and suspense, the film is not long, and the heroine is still in good shape, you can take a look.

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Sea Fever quotes

  • Gerard: [on the corpse strewn boat] Sea Fever; One Of Them Gets It... Then spreads it around

    Siobhán: Doesn't explain his eyes

    Gerard: [dismissive] Must've been a fight

  • [last lines]

    Sudi: Are My Eyes Open Or Closed?