Life is not a marathon

Alexandria 2022-08-20 16:21:11

This movie is actually a fake inspirational, really give up.

Bell's hundreds of pages of notes drifted away in the wind when they were thrown down to Ford from downstairs.

Hart tried his best, even went to the restricted area of ​​the library to check the teacher's information, just to become the kind of student who spoke enthusiastically and got good grades. But after the final exam, the teacher did not remember his name. And his grades were thrown into the sea by himself.

As Susan said, is the transcript, graduation certificate, marriage certificate, and will just a piece of paper?

Others spent countless time and energy on that piece of paper, and even got healthy.

In fact, the hardest part is not to get that piece of paper. But when I can’t get it, I choose not to give up my life.

There are many ways to live in life.

Study/work is not all of life. Of course, love is not.

It takes time to find the balance point that allows you to continue to love life and chase your dreams.

Take your time, everything is too late.

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The Paper Chase quotes

  • Charles W. Kingsfield Jr.: You teach yourselves the law, but I train your minds. You come in here with a skull full of mush; you leave thinking like a lawyer.

  • Charles W. Kingsfield Jr.: Mr. Hart, here is a dime. Take it, call your mother, and tell her there is serious doubt about you ever becoming a lawyer.

    James T. Hart: [pause, as he is leaving the room] You... are a son of a bitch, Kingsfield!

    Charles W. Kingsfield Jr.: Mr. Hart! That is the most intelligent thing you've said today. You may take your seat.