Nine lives and nine lives

Raleigh 2022-01-22 08:03:19

A few stories seem to have nothing to do, and the preface does not follow the words, and they appear and end, but they unknowingly let the viewers fall into it.

Many times the continuation of a state of life is just a momentary decision or choice

But the motivation or reason for this choice is not simple

The prison guard in Yili is the adoptive father and daughter of Sanli, prisoner Sandra desperately resisted in order to talk with her daughter once a month, but the guards acted on the adopted Holly, which caused her to leave the house at an early age and grew up with her adoptive father. Suicide in front of you, what you really love is something that others can arbitrarily spoil

Damian, the male protagonist of Erli, is the husband of a good friend of Sonia, the female protagonist of Sili. Why did he kiss Diana’s pregnant belly because he was infertile and wanted to have a child, but the couple he visited wanted an abortion after being pregnant. Is what others dislike at will

Samantha in Wuli had to give up studying in other districts because of her father's illness Drag him down

Liuli Lorna went to a funeral when her ex-husband’s wife swallowed medicine and committed suicide. After seeing Rona, the ex-husband told her madly, and during the funeral, she came to Rona and forgive me for speaking out for about 20 seconds.

Ruth in Qili is Samantha's mother in Wuli She and her lover strolled under the stars and embraced and danced Ruth said oh don’t have music Watching animal world lovers say they put together different clips to tell stories. Those are not real. In the end Ruth did not stay but chose to leave for his daughter. There is a woman who was captured by the police should be Sandra in Yili

Camille of Bali got abnormal anxiety and nagging before breast cancer surgery. Holly of nurse Erli and the mother of anaesthetist Lorona appeared one after another. The husband Charlie, who has been disliked, rubbed Camille's face after his wife was sedated and calmed down. Say we will be together forever

Jiuli’s mother went to see her children. I think the pink girl with her doesn’t exist because in the end it was her mother who left alone. She just imagined that she had a daughter because when her mother took out the grapes, the girl said wow you didn’t. I forgot and finally my mother put the grapes on the tombstone before leaving

There are two sentences

Every woman is a vast universe

What does luggage mean is something you have to carry on your body

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Extended Reading

Nine Lives quotes

  • Henry: There's nothing more real than a mirage.

  • Roman: Each woman is a universe.

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