Some personally

Lelia 2022-10-18 18:43:10

It's not fast, so let's finish it off and on for two days. When I watched it, there are so many thoughts, sounds and resonance in my heart... I always feel that the film is like my own life, I feel a lot, problems in self-exploration, problems in love with straight daughters, etc. …

In fact, the film itself does have some remarkable points. I think many short comments also reveal the angle and focus of everyone watching this film, including this, of course, which is also affected by personal experience.

Let me start with what I think is not enough. Compared to many les movies I have watched in the past, this one is more realistic and now, maybe the movie is only two hours long, so regardless of "Blue is...color" (a lot of People also mentioned) or recently watched "The Picture of Burning Girl", the movie always tries to express the strongest emotions in two hours, and the plot twists and complexity are not so high. It is also because of this contrast that always makes me feel that the relationship between Mae and G is not strong enough. (But it may also be the actor's problem is unknown).

The film chose a main line or topic, which is the so-called love between t (gay) and a straight daughter. I want to mention here. In fact, many people don't want to define their own orientation. Just like myself, this is also a point that I resonate with. It's like J asking Mae in the toilet, are you lesbian? Mae said "I don't want to label myself". This point I have a lot of sympathy. I believe that orientation is fluid. If I look like a tomboy, it doesn't mean that I must be gay. This is a process of exploring myself and restricting myself. Instead, it will make yourself more struggle.

So in another place, this film also resonated with me in the exploration of sexual orientation. I have had G bothered about whether he is gay or not, but I also understand Lava and Mae's words, don’t spend time on people who are not in your circle who don’t know you. Indeed, straight daughters are a very tricky existence in Ji circle. Or as I said, "There is no real straight girl. The so-called straight girl has not found the girl who can touch her."

Being a t doesn't mean you can't be a girl. I can understand how Mae feels about "in between" with her gender. "I am neither a boy nor a girl, I am a freak", this is that many queers may have active psychological activities, always feel that their gender cannot be integrated into this society, and the definition of gender in this society, so they feel that they are Not being loved and weird. But in fact it is not, we, queer, have to be just ourselves.

I like this kind of little t that's a little coquettish too much. I really like this physical illusion. It looks like a very handsome girl, but in fact there is also a girl side, inner sensitivity, desire to come, want to be embraced and loved, and it can be 0 to 1. I admire Mae because she is always peaceful (at least it seems), maybe facial paralysis? Ha ha ha ha.

I don't really want to see it as a romantic film. Compared with romantic ideal love, this film reflects more or less problems that every couple of les will have. Especially when the two of them broke up, they can actually see the problem. I can understand, including myself, I have had this kind of psychological activity. When I am with a "straight girl" or a girl who has had a boyfriend, there will be more or less dissatisfaction in my heart, and the difference lies in myself. Not a boy, can't give a "normal" marriage or future what it should be. We also hope that we can fall in love with the woman we love, making love, jizzing, and have a baby, but we can’t, because we are not men.

But taking a step back, if we want to think this way, we are limiting ourselves again...

The sex before the two of them broke up was also the one in which I felt most about me... When G felt that it was about to come, he said to Mae "come inside me...". In fact, these few sentences were really hurtful and very poking. The feeling of being in the middle of the arms. Mae's reply is really too accurate: "I would love to, but I physically can't!" This is what we are missing, but it is also the biggest difference. It reminds me of me and my ex, I am obsessed with making love with her, but the only thing missing is that I really hope I can go inside her, and either she, when we were high. That is supposed to be a “ normal" sex....

I also agree that this is a film about honesty. Whether in love, work, or life, in fact, we have to be honest in order for both parties to communicate smoothly.

Every time Mae and G had a quarrel, what they said made sense. (The quarrel lines are very tricky) Each has its own reason, but whether it is considered from the other side's point of view. For example, at a party, G wants to come out with friends and hopes that Mae will not stare at her and go dancing by herself, but Mae feels that if you want to come out, you can take my hand openly to help me resolve the embarrassment. . In fact, neither side is wrong, but both sides must understand each other. Including the subsequent conversation between G and Binky, G buried injustice B, they didn't come to greet her after she broke up, B felt that if you were really sad, then take the initiative to tell us, if you don't tell us, it's like not true love. In fact, both sides are also rational, to see who can understand who first. Don't worry about smart people.

As for people who stick to people, it may be that everyone’s experience is different. I think this kind of dependence is quite natural. Being a parent who is so mean, including so many traumas when he was a child, can be so gentle, lovely and considerate until now. It was a miracle, and of course it was inevitable. She really needed someone to rely on and embrace.

This is the end of my feelings. I am very satisfied with HE. Of course, if I shoot the second season, there may be more problems in the future. I also look forward to the second season, and I look forward to having a girlfriend. I really want to fall in love??

Btw, I want to mention again, Mae really made a lot of money in it? All kinds of people kissed it again, and they asked "do u wanna have sex..." hahahahaha. And every time I have a face paralyzed "that will be so cool." It's too good hahahaha.

And the teacher said, “If you don’t teach the kids about LGBTQIA, that’s your problem. This is a sexual health course... There are two other students in your class who are trans!” It’s really heartwarming, for The school is happy to have such an enlightened vision.




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