The wonderful work of the horror film class is serious and scary but funny and healed

Mariela 2022-11-28 18:44:03

Relaxed and warm base, reversal of God and jokes all fly together, "Psychic Car Teaching" can be regarded as a horror film suitable for everyone to watch and worth watching.

Recommended reason: talking on a ghost, it is extremely serious

What is a ghost?

Why do we not know many haunted events?

Do ghosts have feelings?

. . .

Unlike the common ghost movies on the market, the film’s main creators took an attitude of writing graduation thesis to treat ghosts. They took ghosts as the research object and discussed these issues step by step. (Although it is not necessarily true) What's more, in order to remind the audience to draw down the key points, they also borrowed the style of PPT and webcast class! ! !

Scared to sleep after reading it? If you don't have any nutrition, forget it after you read it? There are no drops. It's true that I want to watch it again after reading it.

Recommended reason two: light pine into the drama and no fee brain

The plot of this film is very simple-the male and female protagonists with psychic talents fight against the lustful Satanist villains. But it’s the compact rhythm, humorous little daily life, the thrilling reversal and the thrilling climax points. It makes people easy and effortless. It is actually the best of watching movies on Friday. select.

Recommended reason three: still slightly warm deep for human aftertaste

What makes some ghosts stubbornly wander in the world without revenge, evil, or trouble?

How should ghosts and people live in harmony?

Under what circumstances will these stubborn ghosts leave willingly?

If one day we are hurt by "talent", should we be attributed to "mediocre" from then on?

Under the nonsensical appearance, the film is also a little warm and profound worthy of taste.

Friendly reminder, the following content involves serious spoilers!

If you have decided to add it to the watch list, please watch the movie before reading it!

The heroine Rose is a fat girl who is naturally cute in the depths. She has a very high psychic talent and has followed her father many times to deal with spiritual events in the small town. However, he accidentally killed his father during a psychic process, and from then on, Jinpen washed his hands and became a driving school instructor.

Although she has a gift for psychics, her daily routine is very ordinary: when she is a coach, she treats each student patiently and politely, and even if the other party does not learn well or is very arrogant, she still smiles and gives encouragement. After returning home, the clothes were thrown around, sitting on the exercise ball while losing weight, eating cheese, reading a book, listening to the phone, it was the epitome of the vast number of social animals.

The male protagonist Martin is engaged in civil engineering work, and he can also hear ghosts talking, ranging from paying car taxes to small to wear, it is up to his wife's ghost to decide, and if he is not obedient, he will be beaten. It can be said to be a typical representative of rake ears.

The daughter of the male protagonist did not want to live a life dominated by the "mother", so she asked the male protagonist to ask the female protagonist for help. As a result, the male and female masters met and sparked a little ambiguous spark.

The villain Christian is a short-lived singer. In order to become popular and join Satanism, he and his wife Claudia conspired to abduct the virgin in order to sacrifice to the devil on the night of the blood moon.

Coincidentally, this virgin is the daughter of the male protagonist, so the two sides launched a desperate contest.

The story is simple, but the most admired part of the film is that the biggest difference between it and the famous classic horror films such as "The Grudge" is its re-enactment of reality and the delicate expression of emotions.

Every character in the film has an ordinary life, a rich emotional level and a behavior that completely fits the character’s personality. During the viewing process, you will gradually forget that they are only two-dimensional roles and treat them as Zhang around us. 3. Li Si and other real people, and then substituting to experience their joy, anger, sorrow, and happiness.

To give a very cute little example: the beloved female protagonist fell in love with the male protagonist at first sight, and listened to her sister’s suggestion to follow the male protagonist. When overhearing the male protagonist talking about herself, her expression changed from curiosity to eavesdropping—heard negative comments. Lost and sad-to hear the praise and shyness of the male protagonist, which not only conforms to the heroine's character, but also lays the groundwork for the reversal on the battlefield.

Not only the characters fit the reality, but the ghosts in the film have also faded away from the stereotyped appearance of blue-faced fangs or white-faced blood mouths. They are miserable and resemble their lives and have a single personality of deep hatred and resentment. Turned into objects or images that can be seen everywhere in our lives. The so-called haunted incidents have also become simple and harmless.

For example, this blurred branch is a ghost named Brant. What he loves most is to shake a branch when someone is passing by and greet everyone. Another example is this roaring green trash can. It is a ghost named Tom. When people throw the wrong trash, he will violently open and close the lid and roar. In addition, cheese that will have a nightmare after eating, French fries that refuse to cook, soy sauce stains on the wall, and crying elk specimens are all ghosts.

With the blessing of such a group of ghosts, the haunted incident has also become a mixture of laughter and tears.

The grandmother turned into a grimace on the kitchen wall because she was angry with her granddaughter, and she stared at her granddaughter, making her unable to eat; because she was dissatisfied with his wife's behavior of not sorting the garbage, the husband was on the trash can. , Reminds her with a crazy "snarling" when his wife throws trash; although the male protagonist’s wife has a bad temper and is also very rude to the male protagonist, but because of the male protagonist’s sentence "I will screw everything up sooner or later." Wandering in the world, taking care of the family conscientiously for up to 8 years.

When the characters really fit in with life; when the ghosts fade away from their stereotyped images; when the story abandons the great good and the evil and focuses on the daily life; when we tell the story of the ghost in a "serious" tone, the warmth will be like a gurgling stream, Stirred in laughter, wade through my heart.

In an atmosphere of horror and joy, you will find that most people in the world are kind and lingering in the world as ghosts after death. They will be lonely and confused, but they will never resent or hurt others. They are not terrible, and it is not difficult to get along with them in peace. Because of this, the process of exorcising ghosts is no longer complicated. Hand in hand, open your heart, and equal dialogue is enough. After reading it, you will find that the so-called haunting is nothing but restlessness.

"Psychic Vehicle Education" is also known as "Extremely Ordinary". In addition to ghosts, the film also explores the issue of self-identity and getting along on another level. Although the female protagonist has the gift of psychic, the shadow of making mistakes in psychic "killing" her father in her childhood made her very repulsive of her talent, and even closed herself because of this. Fortunately, after experiencing a series of exorcism and struggle, the heroine walked out of the shadows and learned to get along with her "talent".

When the female protagonist listened to the male protagonist’s suggestion and changed the sign from "very ordinary" to "extraordinary", she truly realized the transformation from locking up her talent and forcing herself to be very ordinary, to facing up to the talent, accepting it, and dare to The extraordinary transformation has made the world in her eyes cute and bright.

Think about it carefully, each of us has talents, and these talents are inherently different. Some are good at drawing, some are good at dancing; some are good at communication, some are good at being alone; some are good at planning, step by step, some are good at doing whatever they want and inspiring "accidents."

Maybe your talent is not "pleasing", it can't bring you power, wealth, reputation, and even some "retarding", but the talent is after all a talent, face it and use it, we are all happy and extraordinary ordinary people.

The purest picture drives the yellowest car;

The most ordinary stories convey the most healing warmth;

A serious scary but funny and healing.

Let "Psychiatrist" accompany you to have fun this weekend!

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Extra Ordinary quotes

  • [Rose happily greets various possessed objects as she drives through town]

    Rose Dooley: Hello, toaster. Hello, branch. Hello, old ghost lady.

    Old Woman: Hello.

    Rose Dooley: Oh, I'm sorry, I thought you were dead.

  • [Rose is giving Christian a driving lesson]

    Rose Dooley: Yes, that is the clutch, now press down with your left foot... Your other left.