Homeless women

Eloisa 2022-01-18 08:02:30

At the moment, no new high-tech products used are risk-free. This is the cause of the helplessness and insecurity of modern life. So some people evade this cumbersome reality, go far away from the country, and sing while walking. Since ancient times, China has had the habit of literati and officialdom returning to the countryside, from Tao Qian to Wang Wei. There are also foreign countries. American poetess Dickinson lived her life in seclusion in the country to write poetry. The French poet James lived his life in a seclusion in the Pyrenees, and his poems were clear and transparent. Aversion to the secular has become part of the liberation of spiritual shackles. James wrote a song "Remote Spring", exquisite and timeless.

Wandering and seclusion are just for relaxation and comfort. Twenty years ago, I wrote the poem "to guard the grave for others is also to guard the grave for ourselves". Although this is painful, it is confirmed by time. I think of the famous French film "Wandering Girl" in the 1980s, which won the Golden Lion Award at the Venice Film Festival in 1985, and is one of the masterpieces of Agnès Varda, known as the "Mother of the New Wave" in France. The actress Sandrine Bonnaire, who played the role of a tramp, won the 1986 French Caesar Film Awards for Best Actress. She brings great honor. Sandrine’s fresh and beautiful temperament, casual smiles and expressions all make her shine on the screen. She is recognized as a French acting star. She has appeared in films such as "Under the Sun of Satan" and "The Lighthouse". Excellent performance.

Some of this movie is translated into "Homelessness and Lawlessness". You think it's too random, distorting the painstaking effort of the "grandmother". The girl Mona is not as simple as "homelessness and lawlessness". In fact, the "Vagrant Girl" is a knife that the "old grandmother" sheds light on the reality of France. It either stabs you or stabs him. It is a merciless knife that causes our souls to shake, even though it is so cold.

A journey of destruction that traces the self-abuse of a vagrant woman is heartbreaking. French films have such a tradition that they must push the fate of the protagonist to a desperate situation. Obviously, the reason why the wandering woman chooses to wander can be seen from what she has said about the man who is a philosopher and is now a shepherd. She has hated everything. The hopelessness of reality and the loneliness of herself constitute the tone of her journey of destruction. . Judging from the many different types of characters traced back, the "old grandmother" selected carefully, and even added herself to the voice-over.

People who are dissatisfied with reality abound. The question is why do vagrants choose to wander?

Fashionable people think that she is a little bit cunning, a little slow, a little indulgent, and more lazy and hungry. The shepherd can escape, because he chose an illiterate wife, found a life balance between family and freedom, and used his own philosophy to interpret the interests of farming and herding. As for her, apart from her helpless loneliness, she was stomping and begging on the side of the road. Poor Mona walked towards the cold end like this step by step. The people who took in her included university professors, foreign workers, maids and People who are equally at a loss in life, but will eventually drive her away, either ruthless or unrighteous. There is no sunshine, only freezing. As the shepherd said to her: "Like you, in the end there is only shrinkage, only shrinkage, nothing else."

When you think of homeless women, you will think of this movie, and of Sandrine Bonnaire, who catches our eyes-that careless smile, nonchalant and depressed way of smoking...

In 2005, "Grandma" also came to Beijing to participate in the "Film Week" directed by her. Most of her films give us a sense of panic, which is different from the pain caused to us by Italian Giuseppe's films such as "The Scout". Different national characteristics will create differences in the deconstruction of the fate of the respective characters. Her films such as "Kung Fu Master" are without exception branded with self-abuse and helplessness, that is to say, the direction of the protagonist's walking is cold and helpless from the beginning.

In fact, in the reality of fission, it is not easy to yearn for tranquility or purity. Perhaps everyone has a self-masochistic side, but the severity or method is different, as long as it is not excessive, as long as it does not head towards destruction. As the English song sings, just "Let her, follow her". And modern life under the guise of high-tech is like an illusion and a puzzle, which helps you and always restrains you, unable to settle down and get out of it. Cold products, a variety of sharp weapons, may have created the cold end of humanity, "In the end, there is only atrophy, only atrophy, nothing else...".

2007, 4, 2

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Vagabond quotes

  • la platonologne Mme Landier: Why did you drop out?

    Mona Bergeron, sans toit ni loi: Champagne on the road's better!

  • les Bergers: She blew in like the wind. No plans, no goals... No wishes, no wants... We suggested things to her. She didn't want to do a thing. Wandering? That's withering. By proving she's useless, she helps a system she rejects. It's not wandering, it's withering.