love peace

Aliza 2022-11-23 17:45:22

The real theme of this movie is the dialogue between the protagonist and the president. The president sends a telegram to confirm the authenticity of the information, so the protagonist tells a story. This story is for the president to determine the authenticity of the intelligence. Another meaning is that it does not matter whether the intelligence is true or false. I love peace. What you are telling me is intelligence, and what I am telling you is peace. When the camera cut to the person who sent the telegram, he also looked dazed.

Speaking from the movie fragments. The first part is the normal story direction, until the curator asks the protagonist to go out for a drink, the wonderful narrative direction begins: the major general's subordinates and female spies are all in the same group. Their intelligence is that Russian missiles have been deployed in Cuba to confuse the United States to go to war first, so that Russia has reason to restrict American military operations. The other piece of intelligence showed that Russia’s deployment in Cuba was a bluff.

There are parts in the second half of the content that you don’t understand. Please read carefully what the protagonist is saying. If you don’t pay attention, you won’t be able to connect the whole story line.

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The Coldest Game quotes

  • Title Card: In the early 1960s, U.S. - Soviet realtions are the worst in the history of the Cold War. After the Cuban Revolution, Soviet troops are only 100 miles from Florida.

    Title Card: In October 1962, President Kennedy is informed of silos built in Cuba and increased Soviet military activity. It looks like preparations for war.

    Title Card: A global war.

    Title Card: A nuclear global war.

  • Agent Stone: God protects children, drunks, and the United States, as they say.