Friendship between men should be established with wine

Bartholome 2022-08-22 20:24:46

The first time I watched a Polish movie, it was American President Wilson who helped to restore Poland. This is also due to Poland's excellent talents in various fields. So this movie tends to be more American. If you don't read the introduction, you will think it is an American movie.

What is impressive is the Palace of Culture and Science in Warsaw, with a typical Soviet style, huge pillars, and a symbol of power.

Warsaw Palace of Culture and Science

The second is the scene of two people stealing and drinking together, which is very similar to the self who is currently in the epidemic prevention and isolation period. The friendship between men should be sublimated with wine. I haven't been drunk for a month.

Poland has been in the gap between the United States and the Soviet Union during the Cold War. This was determined by his geographic location. A game becomes a arena for two superpowers. Everything serves politics, but what does politics serve?

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The Coldest Game quotes

  • Title Card: In the early 1960s, U.S. - Soviet realtions are the worst in the history of the Cold War. After the Cuban Revolution, Soviet troops are only 100 miles from Florida.

    Title Card: In October 1962, President Kennedy is informed of silos built in Cuba and increased Soviet military activity. It looks like preparations for war.

    Title Card: A global war.

    Title Card: A nuclear global war.

  • Agent Stone: God protects children, drunks, and the United States, as they say.