I watch "Cold Game"

Roel 2022-08-22 18:36:38

Today I watched the Polish movie "Cold Game" in 2019. This is a thriller spy war film mixed with historical elements. The main content is about a chess match between the United States and the Soviet Union in Warsaw, Poland, when the Cuban missile was endangered. The photography is great. The repressive gray tones photographed the dilapidation of Warsaw after the war.

The protagonist is an American chess master. When he confided to the American agents, he explained his past and present life: he helped the American scientist Robert Oppenheimer perfect the "Manhattan Project." But although the invention and use of nuclear weapons ended World War II, it gave rise to a more cruel Cold War. Now being regarded by the US government as a chess genius is really the result of his self-deprecation. Since this kind of plot arrangement is the absurdity of his life, it is also the absurdity of the real world.

When I watched the first third, I used to think that this movie sets the United States as an enlightened party, and the Soviet Union is naturally an evil force. But as the plot progresses gradually, the audience will notice: the substantive theme of the movie points to nothingness. Behind the scenes of the stealth match between the US and Soviet agents, the Eight Immortals crossed the sea to show their magical powers. Their starting point is that they own justice and truth.

The Soviet Union firmly believes that it represents the welfare of the international proletariat, and whether it is building a plank road in Cuba or concealing it in Warsaw, it occupies the moral commanding heights. Soviet agents completely surrendered respect for individual lives to the correctness of the organization, using all means.

The United States emphasizes the universality of minboil. The deliberately created enlightened face and the defense-oriented diplomatic posture have given natural correctness to their diplomatic methods. But ironically, the protagonist and Soviet chess players were kidnapped and lured to Warsaw by the US government. His human rights were the victims of the Cold War.

And Poland is on the fence. As a weak country, it can't do both sides. It can only be innocent on both sides. In fact, this movie has hit 50 big boards against the United States and the Soviet Union: the so-called ideological dispute is nothing more than benefit first and contempt for the axioms of the world. Especially at the end, the real footage of the United States and the Soviet Union (Russia) was edited: Gorbachev and Reagan signed the Intermediate-Range-Range Treaty in 1987, but Putin and Obama respectively withdrew from the treaty.

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The Coldest Game quotes

  • Title Card: In the early 1960s, U.S. - Soviet realtions are the worst in the history of the Cold War. After the Cuban Revolution, Soviet troops are only 100 miles from Florida.

    Title Card: In October 1962, President Kennedy is informed of silos built in Cuba and increased Soviet military activity. It looks like preparations for war.

    Title Card: A global war.

    Title Card: A nuclear global war.

  • Agent Stone: God protects children, drunks, and the United States, as they say.