The secret of marriage

Therese 2022-10-08 21:17:09

The mystery of marriage can be described as numerous.

Joe Swanbok's "Fire Digger" (2015) immediately points out the secrets of how the couple get along. On the weekend, his wife Lee (Anna Kendrick) who teaches yoga took his 3-year-old son Judy to her natal home, while her husband Tim (Orlando Brahm), who is a physical education teacher, stayed at home. To put it bluntly, tired, and after aesthetic fatigue, I want to relax. He greeted a group of friends to come to meet, and heaved up.

Tim told them that a rusty pistol and a bone were dug up on the side of the mountain in the backyard. The police were not interested. His wife was not allowed to dig any more to avoid accidents, because the mansion was only because friends went to Budapest to film. Will return, they stay temporarily.

The private swimming pool is also temporary for them. The couple had just moved in, and their discomfort gradually became apparent. In contrast, the situation was completely normal. There are endless quarrels for which kindergarten the little guy goes to.

When the wife returned to her natal house, Tim, who was curious, could dig continuously, and his friends just dig a few spades symbolically. They greeted Tango (Brie Larson) and other beauties to come and make me feel bored. This group of friends all have drug problems, Phil wants to have a good talk with Tim alone, but the damage friend Lei is really like Lei Gong, violent, hot-tempered, and if he doesn't agree, he will talk badly. After the friend left, the cups and dishes were messed up, and he had to clean up.

The beautiful Tango came back the next day. She left last night and forgot to take her bag. Seeing that Tim was still digging, she went to help him. What was dug out was nothing special, just shoes, and of course, there were bags of thin bones, which made him enthusiastic. The more puzzled he was, the more he wanted to dig to see what was going on.

Unexpectedly, Brie Larson was willing to play such a dangling role. Of course, she was not famous for "The Room" last year. For her, being famous is a matter of course. Although this role is just a rush, it is extremely dazzling and eye-catching.

In fact, before his wife left, asked Tim to sort out the tax bill. The dense tax bills are like a whole lot of trouble in reality. The wife was not idle either, and asked the mother and stepfather to take care of the little guy, and went out to meet his friends Bob and his wife. This couple had two babies and hired part-time workers. They said that if you have a little guy, you can't do anything and you can't sleep well. The Bob and his wife kept fighting over time to travel to Costa Rica. The upper teeth meet the lower teeth, it is rare for a couple to relax.

When Li came out, he strolled to the bar and drank alone. Two big men had a fight for her. She said to one of the men with bleeding on his forehead, you have to sew a few stitches. The man said to go with me. He got on his motorcycle and came to his girlfriend's house and helped him sew a few stitches. After that, the man took her to his house again, ate the steak he personally cooked, and then went to the beach to wander around. The feeling of the sea breeze is different for different objects.

Almost at the same time, Lee's husband Tim took Tango to dinner in an outside restaurant. Then they returned to Tim together, but the two did not develop further. Similarly, even though Li and the man hugged, they didn't go out of style. Li said goodbye to him, thank you for this wonderful night.

Then, after walking alone, she saw a female astronomy enthusiast and asked her to see Saturn in the sky. After she saw it, she wandered away. The stimulus found in life will eventually be hurt by the stimulus. Fortunately, Li quit early after going through the stimulating waves.

Kindly Tim was blown up by the quarrel with his friend Ray, and the beautiful Tango also left. At this time, it would be nice to have all gone, worry-free, and the roots of the ears are clean. Tim must have realized that multiple friends have multiple paths, no matter what kind of friends they are. It's the truth to reduce worries and acquaintances with each other.

He picked up the shovel and continued to the back mountain to dig desperately. At this time, a long shot came. Tim dug out a gold ring. He took it and took a closer look. Then, he dug it again slowly, carefully, and took it away. It turned out to be a woman with 5 palm bones, so clear. The mark of death... he was frightened and weakened.

Now it's all right, curiosity ends here, Tim throws everything he dug out, and throws it back into the hole, and then fills it up. If the dust is dusty, don't ask for it. For Tim, life seems to be a futile and purposeless journey. I like a noisy life, just like the damp sky, fuzzy and torn. An impartial life is just a dream under the moon.

It seems that the husband and wife are carrying "ghost babies", carrying each other on their backs, and talking nonsense with others, only to find the final code of love. Tim’s initial persistent digging was not so much attracted by the mystery, unknown and novelty, as by being obscured by the unknown "death", and once curiosity was penetrated by fear and unknown, it naturally ended in a hasty, almost human. Commonality. For an empty mind, there is no legend in life, only the barrenness of smoke.

This is just a small production movie with its own unique charm. The so-called "Fire Digger" directly hit Tim, the restless guy, and digged it. After a bit of horror, he was frightened. The husband's digging down corresponded to his wife Li's looking up at the sky. After the excitement, it was irrelevant. I wanted to relax with the other side behind my back, but I was exhausted physically and mentally. It seems that marriage cannot open the door to the heart with just a key.

When his wife returned under the stars, he happened to have just come down from the mountain. When the two met, they were extremely jealous. Tim used to say affectionately, I love you, I love you. After a round of planing, what he said at this time was quite reliable. The secret of getting along with husband and wife always needs to keep a distance, stay far away, get a little bit of noise from the outside world, mixed with extra shocks, so that you can see each other clearly and wake yourself up. The beauty of distance is by no means groundless, nor is it the source of waterlessness.

Days can't be handled, you have to go slowly. Sure enough, when they woke up the next day, the couple cleaned up and determined to return to their home, which did not belong to them. Although the mansion is good and belongs to others, although there are many friends, it is too noisy, not to mention that it is difficult to adjust. And digging three feet, there may be gold and silver, but more gods, life should give up everything that shouldn't belong to you, maybe so, It is a more reliable life.

2016, September, 5

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Digging for Fire quotes

  • Lee: My guess is that it's just a animal bone and it just happened to be...

    Tim: ...some other animal shot it.

    [Both laugh]

  • Pop Pop: Am I a couple or am I still... a person. You know, you know, it's really... it's key to remain a person to brought something to a relationship We've been in love, man, we've been in love. What is, what is that even? Getting what you want or is it giving somebody what they want? Sacrificing, if you wanna call it that.