No one in the world knows you

Iliana 2022-01-24 08:05:36

What is the luckiest artist? It may be that he has to become famous as soon as possible, and his artistic talent can be appreciated by his own time. Rudolf Hamietovich Nureyev is such a person.

What is the luckiest artist? It may be that people still talk about it after death and never forget it. When "White Crow" was screened at the London Film Festival, a grandma-level audience said that they had seen Nureyev's performance in the 1970s. When the audience saw her saying this, their eyes were full. Light. In this way, Nureyev is also such a person.

The main line of the biopic "The White Crow" tells about the most ups and downs of Mrs. Newrie's life, that is, in 1961 he defected from the West under the control of the Soviet Union during a tour of Paris with the Kirov Ballet. There are two secondary lines in this film. One is the childhood experience of Nureyev from being born on a train to the enlightenment of ballet in black and white. The other is that he studied at Leningrad Ballet School and finally got his wish in Kirov Ballet The growth experience of the regiment. The three story lines are mixed and cut in parallel, but the effect is not good, especially the clues from childhood. Due to the lack of dialogue and background explanation, people are often incomprehensible and too jumpy.

Before watching the movie, he thought that Nureyev’s defect to the West was planned and carefully planned by him, but the result was a dramatic temporary intention. When other members of the ballet troupe took the flight to London, he was detained by KGB agents and asked him to return to Moscow immediately. His defection seemed inevitable, because he wanted to dance and he wanted to be the best in the world. However, in the Soviet Union, his free and arrogant character will inevitably ruin his artistic career. But this does not mean that he did not prepare for this. He studied English when he was in Russia and took the initiative to make friends with French dance artists. Maybe he also expected this day to come.

The drama of Nureyev’s defect lies in the fact that, even if his defection was temporary, it is full of accidents. It was the female dancer he met at the dinner that let her friend, Chilean Clara Saint, watch Nureyev's performance and introduced Clara Saint to Nureyev. And Nureyev's successful defecting was inseparable from Clara Saint's negotiations with the airport police, and she happened to be the ex-girlfriend of the Minister of Culture's deceased son. This identity played a vital role. If all this fits the real history, then Nureyev's life may be dead. If character decides fate, then the right time and place are also indispensable.

What is a free and uninhibited soul? When the sheriff asked Nureyev to make a choice alone, one door returned to the airport, the flight back to Moscow was waiting for him, and the other door led to the free world of Paris. When the sheriff took Clara Saint into the room, the door to freedom opened slowly, and the white crow was free.

Regrettably, Nureyev died of AIDS in 1993, and his life as an artist came to an abrupt end at the age of 55. Like the fate of Queen lead singer Freddie Mercury, graffiti artist Keith Haring, photographer Robert Mapleshorpe, actor Locke Hudson and others, even though they have the artistic talents that admire the public, But he was vulnerable to the deadly virus and left the world with his talents, leaving countless people sighed.

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Extended Reading

The White Crow quotes

  • Rudolf Nureyev: I can live anywhere. Remember, I was born on a train. I feel I will never return to my country. But I may never be happy in yours.

  • [First Lines - dialogue entirely in Russian with English subtitles]

    Interrogator: You knew.

    Aleksandr Ivanovich Pushkin: No.

    Interrogator: You knew what he was planning to do.

    Aleksandr Ivanovich Pushkin: No.

    Interrogator: You're saying he never spoke of defection?

    Aleksandr Ivanovich Pushkin: The subject never came up.

    Interrogator: He never spoke of it?

    Aleksandr Ivanovich Pushkin: Never.

    Interrogator: This is an attack on the Soviet Union.

    Aleksandr Ivanovich Pushkin: No, It's about dance.

    Interrogator: Dance?

    Aleksandr Ivanovich Pushkin: He knows nothing about politics. He's gone to the West because there he can dance.

    Interrogator: He could dance here.

    Aleksandr Ivanovich Pushkin: Yes, but... I think it's likely he had an explosion of character. That's who he is.