Morbid mood

Dasia 2022-01-20 08:02:11

The atmosphere of the movie creates a personal favorite, the deserted island, the vast sea, the neurotic characters, and some of the shots only stuck in the lower body, creating a kind of cold horror.

In psychology, yellow symbolizes a positive color, sunshine, and optimism, but under the temperament of this film, the yellow raincoat has become a color and symbol of blasting eyes, chilling.

The only people who can sustain the mental illness of social fear are the most familiar and closest people around. When the cousin of the heroine leaves, the heroine begins to lose control, magnifying the subconscious alienation from the people around him, and then evolving into hostility towards others. , And finally caused a difficult ending.

In the end, this theme is not easy to recover, and the previous renderings did not position it in the mainstream psychological thriller. In the end, the director could only send everything to witchcraft, just to give a similar ending. What is rare is that The atmosphere came out.

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Magic Magic quotes

  • Brink: The next time you want your pussy eaten out, you can just ask me! I like pussy!

    Alicia: What the fuck?

    Brink: Shut up! You want them to know? Really?

    Alicia: What are you talking about?

    Brink: Shut up! You came into my room and you rubbed your pussy in my face. Who told you to? Why did you do that?

    Alicia: Get away from me! Sara!

    Sara: Hey, baby!

    Alicia: This freak grabbed me! He told me I rubbed my pussy in his face!

    Brink: She did! She did!

    Sara: Whatever! She didn't, man.

    Brink: She did! I swear she did!

    Sara: She did not, okay?

    Brink: Okay, she didn't.

    Sara: Fucking asshole!

    Alicia: I didn't. I didn't!

    Brink: She did.

    Sara: Okay.

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