What is missing? Is it conscience?

Rocio 2022-01-23 08:03:03

I've been listening to this movie, but I didn't have the mood to watch it. I finally watched it on TV today.
I am very worried.

Earlier on, I heard others comment on Zhang Yimou's film to expose the Chinese people's scars.
However, I always feel very grateful to him this time.
Chinese people always heal their scars and forget the pain. It is also a good thing to ask others to uncover the scars from time to time.
Can be painful, but also awake.

Reports from impoverished mountainous areas in China are always permeating the front pages of major media, and even the world media.
However, our crowd seems to be numb to these things, including myself.
I often see reports on people's livelihood issues, and I feel entangled in my heart.
But I really didn't have much action to help these poor children.
Of course, my financial ability is not good either, maybe just a little bit on the poverty line.
However, it is not the duty of the rich to help.
Of course, being rich and unkind is more worthy of our contempt.
There is not much material and money relationship between the poor, it is more straightforward and pure.
There are too many things about guarding and helping the poor, and they are too helpless.

I often worry about where to go this weekend and tonight.
Go to the street to sing K and smash the wine, squander the hard-earned money in confusion.
But I have never given a cent to a beggar in Guangzhou.
Nor donated any money to any aid agency. (Hope the project seems to exist)
Like me, everyone thinks that beggars in Guangzhou are an industry group.
Charities in China are corruption organizations under the guise of.

There was a bit of numbness, a bit of grief, a bit of helplessness, and a bit of guilt.

Perhaps many people have never tried the hardship of living in poverty, including me.
I think anyone who can read this text online is not qualified to say that he/she has experienced that kind of poverty.
The kind of poverty that does not feel poverty, the kind of poverty that accepts fate.
Their hearts are as rich as ours, but they don't realize that their lives are poor.
They subconsciously feel that they are poor, and there is no shame in them.
Is it simple or servile? have no idea.
Natural poverty is like an organ of the body, affecting every move.
Some people may say: They do not have the perseverance and determination to escape poverty.
But I want to say that they never know what food and clothing is good or not.

China's social issues, people's livelihood issues, human rights issues, system issues, etc., have been arguing for many years.
In the end, it was still that way, that was a little better than before.
Perhaps we see some hope for the future in this little progress.
But I still feel uncomfortable and sad for many of our compatriots.
But I still won't give a cent to beggars in Guangzhou.
I will not donate a penny to organizations other than Project Hope.
Because that is just a matter of the government, I am just a citizen of the strata of life.
Don't tell me about the obligations of citizens, first tell me about the obligations of the motherland.
Compared with my motherland, who should take a more proactive attitude and measures?
Ask the crowd to speak.

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Not One Less quotes

  • TV Host: Do you like the city?

    Zhang Huike: Yes.

    TV Host: What is good about it?

    Zhang Huike: The city is beautiful and prosperous. Much better than the country.

    TV Host: What's the most lasting impression?

    Zhang Huike: That I had to beg for food. I will always remember that.