Have you done it before?

Thalia 2022-01-20 08:03:12

SHE SAID YES !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Miss Walker asked Miss Lister: Have you done it before? Xiao Ji Zai and Old Si Ji who were watching this play smiled heartily.

If you haven't done it, this drama will be Ji Zai's love bible.

Rule 1. If you touch your mouth, want to have a leg

Miss Lister touched Miss Walker's lips and said, surely you know what I mean. (Full of color!) The little white rabbit was startled and dumbfounded, and there was a little joy that he didn't realize.

This scene tells us: when someone looks at your lips intently, or even get started, ok, she wants to talk to you, there is no other reasonable explanation and possibility. In the same way, if you want to talk to a girl, you can send a signal in this way.

Rule 2. Retreat as progress, make people believe

After Miss Lister boldly showed her love in the way of rule 1, our heroine, the white rabbit, was directly stunned. At this moment, our big bad wolf hurriedly regressed. She knew that Miss Walker might be scared if she went further, so she immediately stopped her sister's hand and let the other person see the guilt she felt offended. At this time, the little white rabbit didn't care about being confused, and instead came to comfort our big bad wolf.

This scene tells us: It’s not that blind initiative and attack are effective. Sometimes the other party really needs some time and space to react. Take the initiative to show weakness and be a good boy.

Rule 3. Gentleness is wine, the more you drink, the more you get

Ok, I don’t know what you are like. My aunt laughed (with citric acid taste) all the way while watching the show. The eyes are gentle, the words are gentle, and the movements are gentle. When the two kissed for the first time, what did our heroine, Big Bad Wolf, do? Crossing the neck is already very touching, she still kisses the hand of the little white rabbit! Seeing this time I was almost crying. Why is it so possible? I want this too! (No, you don't want to).

Really, gentleness is so important. 555.

Rule 4. If you want to be ecstasy, you must lock the door

If the vast number of films tells us any iron law, this one can be regarded as NO.1. We have seen countless scenes of being smashed by family members while intimacy. It is really a taboo not to lock the door. This article does not need to be expanded, you must have a deep understanding of it after reading countless films.

and more.....

After watching the third episode, before the abuse started, I quickly came to give a score. After all, my scoring principles are as follows:

You Ji? Add one star!

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