HBO+BBC two veteran drivers co-produce a new drama, a must-see!

Joelle 2022-01-20 08:03:12

Recently, HBO's [权游] has been in the limelight for a while!

And the performance of the "woman" in the craze of the final season became the biggest highlight——

Dragon Ma fights the ghosts, Sansa guards the north, Brienne canonize the Knights of the Seven Kingdoms...

Er Ya is Slay Yewang who is trying to turn the tide!

Even Cersei, whose heart is greater than his brain, has a queen style.

Who can think of it?

[Game of Thrones], which has been chasing for eight years, started out as a man's tactics, but later women in troubled times touched the transparent ceiling and broke the wheel of history...

Oh, woman, I'm scared!

This is not enough. Recently, HBO and BBC have joined forces to tell the story of women...

The two old drivers burned a new drama together-

Gentleman Jack

Gentleman Jack

Halifax, England in 1832.

A woman caused a sensation...

She inherited the family's property, broke the rules of men's power, she was fair and friendly to tenants and tenant farmers, and she fought wits and courage with wealthy chaebols.

There is another label for such a slightly chivalrous woman--

She is the first open lesbian in history, Anne Liszt!

Most Victorian women have corsets, long skirts, curly hair, two catties of clips on their heads, and little thumbs up when drinking tea...

The years are quiet, and I look at ease.

Annie Liszt is the opposite.

In her life, she rarely wears formal women's clothing. Instead, she wears a top hat, boots, and a pocket watch, just like a man.

She is proud, chic, and with a sense of humor...

There is also a rough side, and the rude things of going over the wall and entering the house still come.

In that era, she is - off by apostasy!

Facing such an Annie Liszt, strangers will weakly ask:

"Are you a man?"

In terms of gender performance, she confused the people of that era...

But this did not affect her to live comfortably, or even indulge...

She can recite poetry in Wen Neng, and Wu Neng shoots and drives a car.

And with the participation of the old driver HBO, she naturally has a lot of Jiqing boat dramas !

So people also gave her a nickname- Gentleman Jack


Annie attacked, there's really nothing wrong with a man...

A netizen said: She is not a heroine, but a role model for the male protagonists...

There is indeed Anne Liszt in British history. The legend about her is not fabricated, but taken from her private diary ...

She recorded all her life in 4 million words . In order to encrypt the diary, she also created a password language by combining Greek letters and English.

At the same time, she is involved in business, geography, travel, and medicine!

The most important point-she has a mine at home!

She inherited the family inheritance since she was a child, including farms, houses, coal mines , enough for her to squander, so she has the capital to fight against stubborn traditions.

But she is not a dude...

She is very knowledgeable and has shown talent in housekeeping and business!

Beyond the heroine and heroine, who should be played for such a role?

The BBC hired British actor Suran Jones to star. You are no stranger to her performance. The man who tears the scum and the junior [Foster] is she...

So some fans joked that--

The scumbag of the drama [Doctor Foster] was abandoned...

Xiao San'er (Judy Cuomo) staged Ji Qing's love and killing in [Kill Eve], and Mrs. Zhenggong (Sulan Jones) became a well-known lesbian representative...

Is it really hurt by a man? ? ?

Kill the couple who fell in love with each other in Eve

A couple in love at first sight of Gentleman Jack

Annie Liszt is very legendary...

Therefore, her story is not the first time that her story has been filmed--

In 2010, the BBC documentary [Anni Liszt] interpreted Anne’s diary in a humorous style, restoring her more real...

In the same year, the BBC launched the TV movie "Anne Liszt and the Secret Diary" .

Compared with the previous work, HBO and BBC co-produced [Gentleman Jack] with a comedy style , and Annie even often "breaks the fourth wall" to the audience!

Because to be honest...

Annie doesn't have any bitter and deep love.

to the opposite…

She is more golden, unrestrained, and talented, more like a swinger brother!

Because Annie’s biggest hidden skill is actually--

Fuck sister! ! !

As a technical job.

How to be "fluttering" non-pretentious, non-indecent, polite, and disciplined?

Let Annie teach everyone here...

Some people complain about her habit of writing diaries, and warn others not to be written in a small book by her, just like being written into a song by mildew.

But Annie said tactfully to her favorite girl--

"I will also record people I like very much..."

That means...

The people who can be written in my diary are the people who are very important to me!

It's a blessing to write that you are, is it good for ordinary people to have NBCS?

And chatting with people you like, there are no false jokes and love poems...

Annie talked about her life in Paris.

She understood the magic of the brain when she was studying the human body, singing and enjoying life passionately, but finally the style of painting changed——

The brain can do so many things, and it can make us fall in love!

This love story is too beautiful!

This is a vast world, don’t just ask Xinhuan to smile...

Of course, the rainbow fart is indispensable both at home and abroad!

When she learned that her beloved woman was living under the control of her three aunts and six wives, she put away her external compliments and began to lose her mind...

"You are a smart woman"

The implication is that you are so smart and don't rely on them to feed...

You should make your own decision!

Have to admit--

Annie Liszt has an innate advantage in the technique of making up girls. She not only understands women's minds, but also can win the favor of women with a gentleman's demeanor...

Naturally, there is no shortage of love in life, and no shortage of people in making love!

But like all men and women, she has had emotional injuries.

Don't talk about homosexuality in that era, even not getting married would be regarded as a different kind!

It is a pity that her lover does not have his courage.

Her first love was married to an old man, and Annie has been wearing black clothes since then, both in black for men and women.

It seems that her heart is dead...

But fall in love?

It is the first time to divide it, and it is possible to divide it again!

When faced with the beloved woman repeatedly and forced to marry a man by the world, she has already attended the wedding in a relaxed and generous manner. After all...

"It's a young man's thing to be hurt by love"

Actually want to open a little...

A person's life is more than just love.

In addition to Annie’s personal feelings, life in England with rich details and frequent embarrassment is also an important content that [Gentleman Jack] wants to show——

There is no male in the family, and she has to shoulder the responsibilities of the family.

Faced with the aging of my father and aunt, my sister is a small family Biyu, so she has to take care of everything from rent collection to business...

It's unheard of that a woman shows up to collect rent.

But she did it!

There is such a detail in the premiere...

The old horse in the family was unable to work because of illness, and was tortured by the illness, but everyone couldn't help the old horse to relieve it.

Only Annie picked up the gun, killed and decided, more resolute than a man!

At that time, the traditional town was a shackle to her...

Just like she said.

She used to travel around the world, like Icarus in Greek mythology, with waxed paper wings spreading her wings, even reaching the sun...

Later, she returned to her hometown because of her responsibility.

But it's definitely not a failure...

Because facing those hostility, it takes more courage than flying far away!

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