High-sugar and low-sugar living conditions are a choice.

Gudrun 2022-08-19 22:33:06

In the documentary, the director lived in Melbourne, and later walked into the aboriginal living area. Since he had lived in Australia, he had come into contact with many aboriginal people who came to buy Coke potato chips every day. He saw those familiar high-sugar foods and had some opinions. Resonate and record the changes in your eating habits handily.

"External reasons for falling into high sugar"

I have not always been keen on high-sugar foods. Looking back, it turns out that there have been two stages of life so far that have clearly fallen into a "high-sugar" state.

In these two stages, one is mainly affected by the age environment, and the other is affected by the diet environment. It's just these two types...

1. Minor period

The influence of age environment is similar to the question questioned in the documentary, "What a child eats should be sweet."

I remember that in summer, I came with a piece of ice cream between classes during the day and a can of Coke when I was tired from playing.

To cooperate with TV variety shows in the evening, you must have a big bottle of Coke and a big box of ice cream, watch and eat, the real Coach Potato.

I don’t understand calories or calories. I only know that my parents strongly oppose eating these things. The main hazards are calcium deficiency and tooth decay.

2. The period of working holiday in Australia

The impact of the dietary environment, from Australia to the United States in the documentary, the high-sugar environment has increased to another level, which is a bit scary. In fact, the popularity of "high sugar" and "healthy diet" comes from Western countries, which is a choice for us.

"Early to bed and early to rise, three balanced meals"

The first job in a closed environment in the resort area. The restaurant area is posted with posters of healthy eating structure. There are a variety of nutritious and balanced buffets for three meals a day, and you can match them as you like.

Even if I don't work in the morning, I will wake up after 7 o'clock in order to eat breakfast. I will go to the gym before noon and feel very energetic. It should also be from here to start to understand "healthy eating".

"Get up in the afternoon and go to bed in the middle of the night"

Later, when I changed other jobs, going to the supermarket became a daily routine, and I fell into a state of "early adopters", and I came to the junk food. The work and rest at this stage is to go to work at 2 pm, get up at 1:30, leave work at 10, and go to bed in the middle of the night.

Shopping list every time I go to the supermarket: In addition to the normal three meals, the standard items are soda, chocolate, fudge, ice cream, and potato chips. After eating, continue to replenish.

These foods really bring endless happiness in summer.

To make matters worse, I was working in a convenience store during this period, and I was exposed to deep-fried and high-sugar foods every day, and I completely forgot about my previous healthy diet.

The aboriginal people described in the documentary "choose junk food because they are poor." Many of the customers who come to the convenience store every day are aboriginal people. All customers buy standard items: soda + high sugar, puffed, fried food.

Unlike white people, aboriginal people, whether they are children or adults, come to convenience stores in groups every day, and they rarely go to big supermarkets. On the day when the money is issued, you will buy a lot. After the money is spent, you must buy a bottle of Coke or potato chips to collect coins. Certain energy drinks and fruit juices are the so-called health drinks in the documentary.

3. Unknown period

"milk tea"

At this point, I remembered that the potential source of high sugar throughout life is the fat house water that belongs to our people: milk tea...

From the milk tea made with non-dairy creamer when I was a child to the fresh milk tea in recent years, the two types still exist at the same time. Many will not care about the difference.

Later, I went to work in Shenzhen and became obsessed with cheese milk covered tea. I almost drink one cup a day. As a deep lover of milk covered tea, my biggest insistence is sugar-free. I just want to drink higher quality milk covered tea with good wishes...

"Reason for low sugar-weight loss"

After returning from Australia, I was eager to drink milk tea. I drink it almost every day, and all kinds of people are not rejecting it... With other diets, I have weighed 10 kilograms in two or three months.

Until this time, he has not paid attention to his body weight and body fat. He has always been a happy high-fat fat man.

Soon after I had nothing to do and decided to lose weight, just for the purpose of losing weight, low-fat and low-carb diet, the low-sugar diet here also includes normal carbohydrates, and sugar was quit by the way.

After maintaining a low-fat and low-carbon diet for four months, I lost about 20 catties, and my body fat dropped from 30%+ to about 20%.

The concept of weight loss I chose is to maintain or improve metabolism, which requires the coordination of three meals a day. Getting up and going to bed early became a virtuous circle. The way to lose weight is to consume less than normal calories every day, cook food (healthy fat, sugar-free) because you have seen the power of a 7-point diet, and occasionally do not bother to exercise in the early stage of the exercise.

"The trap of healthy food"

In the process of choosing a low-fat and sugar-free diet, foods such as whole grains and fruit juices are a huge trap. It will tell you that it's whole wheat, it's a fruit, it won't say that it's high-fat or high-sugar...

Oatmeal, bread, etc., some oatmeal are low-fat but high in sugar, because there is more sugar. Some oatmeal is low in sugar but high in fat because of the deep-fried puffing process. For whole wheat bread, either sugar or butter is added or added together. Juice, even if the juice is sweet, it will still be sweetened...

Avoided high fat at first, but did not escape high sugar. Later, after I developed the habit of nutritional composition, the food I chose was sugar-free or oil-free. My friend tasted the same as chewing wax, but I felt that the fragrance itself was very good...

Nuts are healthy fats. But there are some nut products that can be sweetened, please let me go. Therefore, when choosing daily nuts, you must carefully look for nuts without added sugar, but it is difficult to find those with no added sugar in the dried fruit.

For added sugar, I occasionally eat it now, but I feel uncomfortable when I eat a little too much. After watching this documentary, I should continue to be a low-sugar person.

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