The wit and confidence of the dialogue

Rozella 2022-01-21 08:02:23

Although to a certain extent, I couldn't accept the "biased" actresses in the movies I've seen, but I was convinced by this movie. It may be the play of acting skills, or it may be the wit of the dialogue. There are too many classic dialogues to list them all.

It may be difficult to understand the vulgarity of the old ladies who are eager to sell their daughters in the initial scenes, but it is also in such a family that we have seen the images of several generous daughters. Thanks to their father's cultivation. So as long as you have the patience to watch it and people who like the movie's dialogue will generally not be disappointed. This may also explain the prejudice that most people are accustomed to.

There is an impressive plot, that is, a family meeting was held when the family of "Prejudice" was misunderstood and fell into the lowest point. Just as the family was crying and crying, "Prejudice" expressed her confident and firm insights (to the effect) As follows): "It's no big deal for a family to move out from here to a remote place, as long as we are still together!" And her father encouraged each other.

I believe that a book should be more worth seeing than a movie, but it is a pity that I haven't read it well yet. It's a pity.

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Pride and Prejudice quotes

  • Lydia Bennet: Look at Kitty! She's a drunken door!

  • Mr. Collins: I understand, my dear Miss Elizabeth, that it is the delicate and charming custom of young ladies to say no when they mean yes, even three or four refusals. I am, therefore, by no means discouraged.