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21 Grams Reviews

  • Mohammed 2022-04-21 09:01:33

    21 grams, I feel it, write it at will.

    I think this is in class 21. transplanted someone else's heart. After that, tell other people's wives. This behavior is disrespectful. I find this behavior disgusting. It made me uncomfortable to see it. Watch the final scene of 21g. I feel mixed feelings. I don't know what to say either. But I...

  • Sammy 2022-04-21 09:01:33

    do we also have souls

    The hummingbird leaves, the hummingbird returns, everything is like a reincarnation, nothing has changed, nothing has changed, the person who should hang up hangs up, the person who wants to make up for the abortion and have a child again fails, and the person who loses the child gets it again....

  • Braeden 2022-04-21 09:01:33

    Compare with Memento and Seven Pounds

    Compared with "Memento" in terms of narrative structure, it is a more fancy editing technique. But with the same complex editing techniques, "Memento" is obviously more suitable because of the setting of the movie itself. And "21 Grams" will be a little deliberate, probably because the film itself...

  • Leonard 2022-04-21 09:01:33

    Am I loving you or my heart is loving you

    Favorite Cross Jump Ring Narrative! The one star I didn't give is the sudden sublimation of the theme at the end. The title is a bit abrupt and the film can be summed up in one sentence... Even if I die, my heart will still beat because of you. People who die will weigh 21 grams less than before....

  • Marcellus 2022-04-21 09:01:33

    the weight of the soul

    After completing the "Death Trilogy" directed by Alessandro (Love is a son of a bitch, 21 grams, Babel), this one feels the most ordinary. As a car accident hobbyist, the director continued the arrangement of a group of unrelated people being brought together by a certain fate. The temporal and...

  • Joy 2022-04-21 09:01:33

    "21 grams" look and feel

    "21 Grams" has three main lines, telling a story of three people connected by a car accident. In the first half hour of the movie, I was going around among the three families. The timeline of the story was edited into pieces, but looking back, it was like a jigsaw puzzle, and I slowly saw the cause...

  • Roderick 2022-04-20 09:01:23

    Structural masterpiece

    I'm thinking, after shooting a film in sequence, will it become "21 Grams" if the film is cut out of sequence? I don't agree with its structure, but I admire this skill . When I see it, I always try to sort out the sequence, and even record the transfer points - I cut it too fast, but I gradually...

  • Bianka 2022-04-20 09:01:23

    21 grams, the weight of life

    If someone tells you that his love for you has 21 grams, then you have to believe it, that is all his love.        21 grams, a movie I've always wanted to see, I'd rather attribute it to a romance. Paul's love for Christine is 21 grams. The last shot is enough to redeem any kind-hearted but...

  • Hubert 2022-04-20 09:01:23

    21 Grams: Awakening Our 21 Grams

    A seriously ill math professor desperately needs a heart transplant to keep him alive. After waiting for many days, I finally got my heart back to life. Driven by curiosity, the mathematics professor also wanted to know who the original owner of the heart was. After bribing the informant, he...

  • Everett 2022-04-20 09:01:23

    It feels like a good movie

    The style is a bit depressing, I feel that there is a problem with the classification, and the crime thriller feels unspeakable, and I don't know what the classification standard is. Does it feel like the director's cut is a parody of memory fragments? There are a lot of movies of this type....o