Counterattack of older female cock silk (slightly spoiled)

Elza 2021-10-13 13:06:14

You ignorant humans, in fact, none of you understand the director's good intentions. Look at this weak and explosive Chinese translation, the ring messenger, which is simply a scum with only 5 combat effectiveness, and you have not understood the essence of the film.
The movie looper is a counterattack by an older female dick! ! ! It tells us that as a nymphomaniac, no matter how old you are and how many wrinkles you have, as long as you can act as a literary fan, go to small bars and eat more roadside stalls, there will always be an uncle-level handsome man holding a micro Chong, wrapped in gold bars, stalked you, will not leave you, until you die, you will cry and yell not to forget you, and travel through time and space for you, against the world, just wanting you to be in peace. Dear, is there anything more inspirational than this? This is simply the Messiah of older literary young women!
What? You said that you are not only an older young woman, but also an unmarried young woman, with the dangerous attributes of a teenage young Zhengtai? That's even more okay. Looper told us that as long as you have a benevolent heart and will not leave Xiaozheng Tai, one day there will be a young fashion man wearing a jacket and holding a heavy weapon. He scolds him or even shoots him with a gun. He will not leave you. He will stay at your door to protect your safety, give you a little frog, and solve all kinds of physical and psychological problems for you on call. If you still have a little queen attribute, so much the better. When you lie in bed and smoke comfortably afterwards, you can still admire the slender and resentful figure of the young man. I'm still waiting for the gods and horses, dear, praise and dear, free shipping and dear, as long as 998, dear! ! !
In view of this, I strongly request that the weak Chinese translation of the ring messenger be removed from the billboard and off the big screen. This will cause inaccurate audience positioning and cause the vast number of older literary and artistic women who really need this counterattack collection. The youth misunderstood that it was a boring and boring science fiction film. It's not like that, dear! ! ! There is no doubt that the best translation of looper should be that the older leftover women also have spring, or the murder caused by an older literary young woman...

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Looper quotes

  • Older Joe: This is a piece of indentifying information on the Rainmaker. He's here. He lives here now. In this county. And I'm gonna use this to find him. And I'm gonna kill him. I'm gonna stop him from killing my wife.

    Joe: Fuck you. And your wife. None of this concerns me.

    Older Joe: This is gonna happen...

    Joe: It happened to you. It doesn't have to happen to me. You got a picture right there in my watch? Let me see. Show me the picture. As soon as I see her, I walk away. I'll fucking marry someone else. Promise. So when I see that picture, that fog inside your brain should just swallow up all the memories, right? She'll be gone. If you give her up, she'll be safe.

    Older Joe: Give her up?

    Joe: Yeah, give her up. You're the one who got her killed. She never meets you, she's safe.

    Older Joe: You don't understand. We don't have to give her up. I'm not gonna give her up. I'm gonna save her.

  • Joe: There's a reason we're called loopers. When we sign up for this job, taking out the future's garbage, we also agree to a very specific proviso. Time travel in the future is so illegal, that when our employers want to close our contracts, they'll also want to erase any trace of their relationship with us ever existing. So if we're still alive 30 years from now, they'll find our older self, zap him back to us, and we'll kill him like any other job. This is called closing your loop. Eh, you get a golden payday, you get a handshake, and you get released from your contract. Enjoy the next 30 years. This job doesn't tend to attract the most forward-thinking people.