Don't think about the connotation, just play with the story

Claudie 2021-10-13 13:06:14

This is a long-lost film that requires a little IQ to accept the logic given by the creator instead of structural analysis to show the profoundness. But unfortunately, this film, which has been praised by North American film critics, is hard to call the so-called magic film as a whole, and the logic created by the film is not without flaws. If you look at "Loop Messenger" with the heartfelt mentality of "Inception" like me, it is very likely that you will more or less walk out of the theater with a certain psychological gap.

The main logical elements of the film are as follows: The
tense situation in the future: In the future, due to the deterrence of the police, it will not be easy to eliminate a person without a trace. Therefore, the criminal organization illegally uses the time machine to deal with the person (the victim of the deceased). ) Pass back to the past, and the people who have been arranged in the past (Looper) are responsible for destroying it.
Looper: Responsible for dealing with the deceased who will be sent back in the future.
Victim: In the future, the criminal organization will deal with people, including Looper's future self (this is to completely eliminate the organization's criminal evidence).
Current Looper Manager: The future criminal organization arranges to be sent back to the current person who is specifically responsible for managing all Looper operations at the moment.
TK: Ordinary people with the ability to control objects (10% of the future population).
Rainmaker: "the mob boss in the future", cruel and tyrannical, outrageous, single-handedly. There is an artificial chin, and I saw my mother be beaten to death when I was young. After he appears in the future, the first thing is to seal the ring, seal all Looper's rings. And it took 6 months to completely control the 5 major economic groups. At the same time, they are manipulating gang struggles (see the details listed at the end of the article for evidence [3]). It can be seen from the real body of the child in the past of the rain caller that he is the TK of the TK that has a stronger ability to control objects than other TK.
Regarding what role Rainmaker will play in the future: The original "ring" is a behavior that will be arranged by criminal organizations in the future after a fixed period of time. However, since the future criminal organization was grasped by Rainmaker, the hatred of Looper caused by Rainmaker’s childhood trauma caused him to decide early (for the evidence of the word “early”, see the details listed at the end of the article [1~2]). All Looper's rings, after this decision began to be implemented, made all Looper fearful of Rainmaker!
Sealing the ring: The current Looper will one day receive the future old self. He needs to kill this old self to prevent the fallacy. This is also the criminal organization is clearing criminal evidence. After killing the old self, you will get a large sum of gold bricks, and then you can spend the next 30 years comfortably. After 30 years, the criminal organization sends someone to send the old self back to the past and was killed by the young self in the past. , Be regarded as the end of a cycle, this is the "closed ring".
Lost ring: The ring fails to be sealed. Two identical Loopers appear in the current time. The fallacy occurs and the ring is broken. This is the "lost ring".

The screenwriter’s idea is certainly innovative enough, but this novelty has gradually weakened since the failure of the first supporting role to "close the ring". Even though we couldn't predict the final outcome, we also roughly guessed the mutual pursuit that would happen in the future.
Young Joe must kill the old Joe who was passed back to the present to protect himself. Old Qiao, in order to get rid of the influence of the bosses of the present and the future who control his own destiny, while mediating with Xiao Qiao, he first killed all the people in the Looper department, and then locked the raincaller's true body at the moment, and counterattacked. Although the content of this part has ups and downs, it always feels lack of surprises. Fortunately, the ending is still "unusual." It's just that there can be countless kinds of endings in "Loop Messenger", and any kind of ending can continue to be filmed for a sequel, because the logic of this movie is enough. Therefore, even if we guess the process correctly, it is impossible to guess the ending. Anyway, just don't make the child angry, but whenever this child is angry, I am worried that he will turn into a Hulk...
In addition, regarding the understanding of the ending of the movie, some people say that there is a theory that history is history. Even if Old Joe did not kill Rainmaker's mother, the young Rainmaker will become Rainmaker for other reasons in the future. Even in the logic of the movie, it is difficult to make a final conclusion on this issue.

Before being teleported back to death, after solving the people sent by the criminal organization, Lao Qiao could have escaped, but it is a pity that all the people involved, including his most beloved woman, have also been killed, or out of greed (he has already After 30 years of happiness, you should abide by the rules) or out of the pain of losing your beloved, finally decided to venture back to the past. The agreement reached 30 years ago by the two parties peacefully (only the old Qiao completed the seal at the beginning and accepted the enjoyment 30 years later) The result of being executed, there will be old Joe), torn by him, and refusing to accept the ending set for him 30 years ago, disrupting the rules and inevitably beginning to chaos. Looking at it this way, perhaps "Loop Messenger" not only contains a cycle of going back to the past to change the status quo for the beloved, but more like a karma after escaping from physical constraints. Uh, what am I talking about, a cold sweat.

In the Chinese part of the film, although Xu Qing is elegant and beautiful, in the end she still has only a short-lived drama. Even though she is a very important role in the story, her appearance is slightly unsatisfactory. The future scene of the Bund in Shanghai was completely obscured by the creators and turned into a dazzling Lou Lin like Star Wars. The most funny sentence is: You should go to China, in the future you will believe that it is worth your visit. Is this an implanted country image advertisement? Another "placement advertisement" compulsorily tells you that the national currency in international circulation in the future will be the renminbi!

However, "Loop Messenger" is an interesting film after all. Except for all the extravagant hopes placed on the film, it is still a good story after all. For this kind of film, it is not necessary to dig out its connotation for the time being, even if it has. This film is for playing, for serious and respectful play. Perhaps it has some loopholes, and some of the ins and outs that even the screenwriter can't tell, this is its imperfection and one of the reasons why it is interesting. It’s also a pity that the music didn’t impress me too deeply, which is somewhat unexpected.

Finally, I don’t have time to write code these days. Who is trying to write a pseudo-code of this movie logic and paste it up? I really think it would be fun to express this logic in pseudo-code!
I have a Weibo, which is a large high-definition picture with three parallel timelines describing the movie "Looping Messenger" Logical backbone. The basis of parallel lines is the theory of parallel space-time. Link:
2012.10.07 The second time is mainly to supplement The details are updated here. Some evidences are also used in the previous article:
1. The place where the "sealed ring" was first mentioned in the whole movie was in a bar. Xiao Qiao's reaction after hearing that someone was going to seal the ring for himself was: " impossible".
2. When the "closed ring" happened intensively, someone in the bar sighed: "What's wrong, there are four this month".
3. In the passage of
Lao Qiao and Xu Qing living in seclusion in the country, there was a news story on TV:...This mysterious raincaller continues his war in the gang fight in the west... 4. Lao Qiao said to Xiao Qiao: the future His new employer, he is terrified, he wants to seal everyone's ring.
5. Qiao is a drug addict, including Xiao Qiao's repeated vomiting, and the flashback of old Qiao struggling in Xu Qing's arms, which are all manifestations of drug addiction.
6. When Old Joe was killing the second child who might be Rainmaker, the woman he met was the dancer who Xiao Qiao stopped at the bar that night but was wrapped up by someone else. That's why he was in pain.
7. The future rain caller has a personal chin, but in the end of the film, the child rain caller’s mouth should not be damaged and the chin should not be broken. Why this artificial chin was assigned to the role of rain caller by the screenwriter is unknown.

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Extended Reading

Looper quotes

  • Older Joe: This is a piece of indentifying information on the Rainmaker. He's here. He lives here now. In this county. And I'm gonna use this to find him. And I'm gonna kill him. I'm gonna stop him from killing my wife.

    Joe: Fuck you. And your wife. None of this concerns me.

    Older Joe: This is gonna happen...

    Joe: It happened to you. It doesn't have to happen to me. You got a picture right there in my watch? Let me see. Show me the picture. As soon as I see her, I walk away. I'll fucking marry someone else. Promise. So when I see that picture, that fog inside your brain should just swallow up all the memories, right? She'll be gone. If you give her up, she'll be safe.

    Older Joe: Give her up?

    Joe: Yeah, give her up. You're the one who got her killed. She never meets you, she's safe.

    Older Joe: You don't understand. We don't have to give her up. I'm not gonna give her up. I'm gonna save her.

  • Joe: There's a reason we're called loopers. When we sign up for this job, taking out the future's garbage, we also agree to a very specific proviso. Time travel in the future is so illegal, that when our employers want to close our contracts, they'll also want to erase any trace of their relationship with us ever existing. So if we're still alive 30 years from now, they'll find our older self, zap him back to us, and we'll kill him like any other job. This is called closing your loop. Eh, you get a golden payday, you get a handshake, and you get released from your contract. Enjoy the next 30 years. This job doesn't tend to attract the most forward-thinking people.