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The slot is full of screens, I don’t know how to appreciate it.
Derick 2021-10-13 13:06:14
Sonya 2022-03-24 09:01:08
This time, 3D is truly dreamy and shocking~ It’s not bad to see this bloody film in Chinese theaters, but the cuts are still obviously not connected...Farsha, the bad guy...
Vaughn 2022-03-25 09:01:05
The three main motifs of Blade Runner continue: 1. Is the creator's motivation for creating benevolent? 2. Is it reliable to ask the Creator to be immortal (or immortal)? 3. Is it really necessary for humans to explore the alien world? After Scott thought about it for thirty years, the old man still said that the answer was very pessimistic.
Young Shaw: [on the ship, Prometheus, David checks on the crew who are in hypersleep, he gazes upon Shaw and sees what she's dreaming of, which is from her childhood when she is with her father in a foreign land looking at a funeral procession] What happened to that man?
Shaw's Father: He died.
Young Shaw: Why aren't you helping them?
Shaw's Father: They don't want my help. Their God is different than ours.
Young Shaw: Why did he die?
Shaw's Father: Sooner or later everyone does.
Young Shaw: Like mommy?
Shaw's Father: Like mommy.
Young Shaw: Where do they go?
Shaw's Father: Everyone has their own word; heaven, paradise. Whatever it's called, it's someplace beautiful.
Young Shaw: How do you know it's beautiful?
Shaw's Father: Cause that's what I choose to believe. What do you believe, darling?
[at that point David comes out of watching he dream]
Elizabeth Shaw: [to the Engineer] Why do you hate us?