I want this kind of university life too

Johan 2021-10-20 17:50:32

Fantasy college life should be like this, pub, clubs, friends, alcohol. In fact, my five years of university consisted of drawing pictures, taking exams, designing, and coffee.

In addition, the Party music in the movie is so good. I have seen a website that analyzes the music of this movie. I personally like Hurt me tomorrow the most.

Because this drama is in love with Dave Franco, his sand sculpture funny video Funny or die was all picked up by me and watched, and the now you guys licked the screen very seriously. He plays Pete in this drama who loves to play and learn, personally feels more attractive than the male protagonist. The call to the friend’s girlfriend at the party is so sexy! Smart and sexy! But I haven’t paid attention for a long time. He is now, I don't know if he is on fire now, or if he is living under the glory of his brother. I think he likes acting very much, and I hope he can receive good resources of his own.

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Neighbors quotes

  • Assjuice: Do you know how many bj's they promised me?

    Assjuice: Infinite bj's. They promised me infinite bj's

  • Pete: He puts his dick in your mouth while you were asleep, bitch!

    Assjuice: Uh-uh, I wasn't asleep.