Professional knowledge of physics, mathematics, biology, and philosophy involved in annihilation

Velda 2021-10-20 17:49:29

1. This movie has very strict requirements for the audience's professional background. The audiences suitable for the movie are mainly audiences with biology, physics, mathematics, philosophy and other science-related professional backgrounds. Otherwise, the movie will become extremely difficult to understand and incomprehensible, which will greatly reduce the viewing experience. The author of this article will introduce the professional background knowledge that I can understand from the perspective of a science student majoring in theoretical physics.

2. The nature of the shimmer: The scientists in the film also have many speculations about the nature of the shimmer (such as high-dimensional space. But in fact, the director in the film has given us enough information to tell us what it is. First of all. At the beginning of the film, the investigator asked Lena how she survived, mentioning an important message: the food she brought was only enough for two weeks but she stayed in it for a month. After the film, Lena went from entering to leaving. In her perspective, the time is almost two weeks (the sixth day when she left her companion, plus two days to the coast, and then to destroy the lighthouse), no matter what the calculation is, it is impossible to draw a conclusion of one month. So the implicit information here Yes, the time lapse speed in the flicker is different from the outside world. As a person who studies theoretical physics, he naturally realizes that the only reason for this phenomenon is a strong gravitational field (called the "time delay effect of gravitation" in general relativity. Also known as the Pisciaro effect) To be specific, general relativity believes that gravity is the curvature of space-time (many textbooks say that gravity causes space-time bending is actually wrong, because gravity is space-time bending in general relativity, and space-time bending is gravity. They are identical concepts, and there is no causal relationship between them), and the curvature of space-time causes the time lapse near the strong gravitational field to be uneven, that is, time slows down. According to general relativity, the intrinsic time is proportional to the gravitational field under the root sign. Metrics, if expressed by Schwarzschild radius:

Where Rs is the Schwarzschild radius (that is, the smallest radius for an object with mass M to form a black hole)

If the data given in the film is accurate, we assume that Lena spent a total of 16 days back and forth as one month to the outside world (someone in the comments said it was four months? Maybe you remembered it wrong? But it shouldn’t affect the order of magnitude of the result. ), we can estimate that the gravitational field of this intensity is produced by a material whose density is about 10^10 times that of the earth, and the density is already close to the order of the density of neutron stars. And that gravitational field is a local strong gravitational field with bubbles as the boundary (although modern physics still cannot localize the gravitational field, it can be done theoretically with the help of unified field theory). Therefore, many phenomena in the scintillation have been explained. The strong gravitational field often corresponds to the strong electromagnetic field, which makes the compass and other communication tools ineffective; in addition, the inverse Compton effect caused by the strong gravitational field and the bremsstrahlung can be called generally. "Refraction"; the most important thing is that the vicinity of a strong gravitational field is often accompanied by the production and annihilation of single photons and two photons, and Annihilation is the title of this movie.

3. Fractals: In the film, where Lena walks into the wall, there will be many plants on the wall, as well as the shape of cells growing in the body of the dead soldier. When I saw it at the time, I thought how this thing is so familiar. Then I thought about it carefully, isn't this a fractal? Fractal refers to a graphic structure with self-similarity. Simply put, the local shape and the overall shape are the same no matter how many times they are magnified. Physics, mathematics and biology must be quite familiar. In mathematics, there are the Wilstras curve, in physics, there are Bifurcation Diagrams bifurcation system and Boolean automata network (I just learned in the course of system complexity a few days ago), and in biology There are the shape of coral and the structure of animal lungs. These are all fractals. The essence of fractals is a figure with non-integer dimensions (for example, the dimension of Sierpinski sponge in three-dimensional space is 2.7268 dimensions.

Willstrass curve
Bifurcation Diagrams
Boolean automata network
Animal Lungs (Does it look exactly like the plants in the movie)

4. DNA refraction: In fact, genetic engineering is essentially genetic engineering. This is the least sci-fi part of this film. In fact, the recombination of DNA is something that modern biology can do to some extent, only in the film. Simplify the process and speed it up. One of the most basic conclusions of modern biological evolution theory is that "the essence of evolution is the change of population gene pool and gene frequency." This is why the film mentioned "it is not destroying, but changing". Flashing through the refraction of DNA Accelerated the evolution of all species. There is actually a metaphor for modern medicine: modern medicine's genetic modification, screening and changes have allowed humans to influence biological evolution. Originally, biological evolution is the work of God. The DNA refraction in the movie is also a supernatural phenomenon caused by the "power of God" possessed by aliens, but in reality, this is achievable, and this is done with human hands. Do what God does. The Replicants in the film seem to be frightening, but the cloned sheep has actually been done by humans decades ago. In the film, the cloned sheep Dolly is replaced by a sika deer with horns.

5. The identity of the ship of Theseus and the ontology: As a classic philosophical question, the ship of Theseus asks about a ship floating on the sea. For several years, parts have been broken and replaced, and many years later, it will become the whole ship. After all the parts of the ship have been replaced, will this ship remain the same? In other words, what are the decisive factors that determine whether this ship and the original ship are the same? The parts and the design drawings? what is this else. This question is called the question of identity in philosophy. For people, what is the decisive factor in determining that I am me? There is still no satisfactory answer to this question in the academic circles. Some people have proposed genes and phenotypes, but they cannot distinguish you from a cloned you. Some people have proposed continuous memory, but if you lose your memory, it’s not you. ? ; Someone suggested that it is the brain, but if you exchange half of the brain with the old king next door, then who is you and who is the old king? ; Others have suggested that it is consciousness, but if you become a vegetative, are you not you? In short, there is no definite answer to this question. In the film, the cloned Kane tells us that he is not Kane, but the Lena who destroyed his clone did not answer. Just like that famous thought experiment, the only way for a person to move at the speed of light is to destroy a person at ground a at time T1 and send all his information to ground B, and then recreate this person with molecular atoms at ground B at time T2. . The only difference is that Kane copied in the film has no memory.

6. The ultimate direction of biological evolution: The first question when investigators ask Lena about aliens in the film is "Are they carbon-based organisms?" This question actually reveals the locality and locality of the human brain. The limited structure inevitably limits the understanding of human beings, and can only use the knowledge that humans have understood to speculate on the form of extraterrestrial life (such as carbon-based organisms or silicon-based organisms). In fact, alien creatures may not be carbon-based or silicon-based, but, like in the movie, a form that humans cannot understand. We know that he exists but we don’t know what he is and what he wants. And if we jump out of the previous predictions of the structure of living organisms and look for a new structure of living organisms, then what exactly is that structure? The director has given us his answer, and the answer is [Annihilation] [annihilation] in the title of the film. "Annihilation" is a physics concept that describes the process by which particles collide with their antiparticles and turn into pure energy (photons). Hawking believes that the hot universe contained in the 10^(-16) seconds at the beginning of the Big Bang The process of the creation and annihilation of a large number of particles is the creation process. And what the director wants to express is that the final form of human evolution is annihilation. Annihilation allows us to get rid of the limitations of material entities and become pure energy. At that time, human beings are no longer restricted by material tools and limited brain structures, and will truly have Ability to reach the depths of the universe. I think this is the director's final answer to the ultimate direction of biological evolution. It actually makes sense to think about it. Such a life form can really get rid of birth, old age, sickness, death, and any material defects. People can not only achieve immortality, but also satisfy the Perfect Being that Descartes said in philosophy. (If this is the case, then it is really fortunate to witness the essential unity of physics, biology, and philosophy. As a student of theoretical physics, I am extremely excited when I understand this level!!!)

"The world itself comes from pure energy, and it will eventually die out in pure energy"

Reprinting does not need to indicate the source, just say that you wrote it yourself

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Annihilation quotes

  • Lena: The mutations were subtle at 1st; more extreme as we got closer to the lighthouse. Corruptions of form. Duplicates of form.

    Lomax: Duplicates?

    Lena: [She looks at the tattoo on her arm & lifts her arm up] Echoes.

    Lomax: Is it possible these were hallucinations?

    Lena: I wondered that myself... but they were shared among all of us. It was dreamlike.

    Lomax: Nightmarish?

    Lena: Not always. Sometimes it was beautiful.

    [the movie then cuts back in time to show beautiful translucent single-tailed wormfish swimming alongside double-tailed duplicates. Lena is in a canoe on a swamp located quite near to a corpse that bears the same tattoo as Lena]

    Lena: Oww. Ow.

    [She clutches her arm - there is no tattoo yet. However, a dark blue mark has appeared at the same place on her arm]

    Cass Sheppard: You're hurt?

    Lena: It's just a bruise. I must have gotten that from the gator.

  • Dr Ventress: It's not like us... it's unlike us. I don't know what it wants, or if it wants, but it'll grow until it encompasses everything. Our bodies and our minds will be fragmented into their smallest parts until not one part remains... Annihilation.