On the difference between the red dragon and the silent lamb

Ladarius 2021-10-20 17:46:32

1. Hannibal has a gentleman's desire to protect women from Stalin and the pity for lambs by those in power. He doesn't have any for Will. What he sees for Will is more of his interest in his talent + excitement of encountering opponents + dual identities. Interesting from contacting the agent who investigated him

2. Starling does not possess Will’s cursing talent, nor does she have any doubts about the existence of herself. She can stand on the side of justice calmly, believing that what she does is what she wants, and she catches the prisoner instead of Be disturbed by them. And Will can’t. Will’s talent allows him to go deep into the murderer’s heart and quickly find the entry point of the case. At the same time, Will has to pay to keep the memories of the murder scene in his mind for a long time. In-depth analysis has almost become a part of himself, so that he has doubts about his existence. The deeper he enters the case, the more he blurs the difference between himself and the criminal.

3. Hannibal's bargaining chip with Starling was the shadow of her childhood, and it did not involve her understanding of whether she was a criminal or not, and the bargaining chip of Uncle Bart's deal with Will must be to lure Will to give up struggling and degenerate. abyss. Therefore, it is easier for Starling to make a deal with Uncle Brahman while Will cannot.

4. Starling is a fledgling, young and immature. Despite being shrewd and capable and full of sense of justice, she is in a weak position in the fight against the powerful and perfect Hannibal, and is almost completely manipulated and controlled by Uncle Uncle. And she is eager to make meritorious deeds and self-salvation, and also pave the way for Uncle Ba to invade her mind. Fortunately, Uncle Ba treats her very gentle and pity. Apart from making her feel the fear of being stripped, there is no other behavior that hurts her. Will is sophisticated and calm. According to the original description, he is the best and keen hound. In addition to his rooted fear of his own talent, he has the ability and reason to fight on an equal footing with Uncle Uncle. He finds Uncle Uncle in the early stage. As a consultant for the ogre case, Will can pull through the fog set by Uncle Ba to accurately find the truth, and he will not lose the wind in the intellectual and physical confrontation with Uncle Ba. This is completely compatible with the young lamb Starling. different.

5. I think the stories of Uncle Ba and Will, and Uncle Ba and Starling have different focuses, but they are all very beautiful. The key words between Uncle Ba and Will are "evenly matched", "both sides with the same talents", "the confrontation between justice and evil and the reflection of justice itself", and the key words between Stalin and Stalin are "to be in power." "Guide to the lamb" "as a gentleman to protect women" and as "justice needs the help of evil against evil".

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Red Dragon quotes

  • Will Graham: Jack, there's only one safe way to carry on a conversation that's one-way blind.

    Jack Crawford: Publication.

  • Will Graham: [accosted by Freddie Lounds] You write lying shit, Lounds, and the "Tattler" is an ass wipe!