Chinatown pull film

Letha 2021-10-20 17:44:24

The man whose wife cheated in the office looked at the photos taken by the detective and cried bitterly.
The detective comforted him and sent him away.
(Explain the profession and character of the detective)

Another case in the office . Mrs. Mo claimed that her husband had an affair, but the detective accepted it after “entangled”.

Mayor Bai of the Congress Hall gave a speech: Los Angeles is a city lacking water and a city on the desert. Aidu water conservancy plans to build dams to prevent desertification.
Mr. Mo opposed the plan. He believed that the dam would not be able to withstand the water pressure.
The herdsmen drove the sheep to the hall and ranted: The water in the valley dries up, who bought you Mr. Mo!
(Explain the environmental background and time)

8:05-9:32 The desolate
detective outside the city spied on Mr. Mo on the dry river dam with a telescope. Mr. Mo asked the herdsmen, observed, and made records.

From the rearview mirror, the detective continued to spy on Mr. Mo.

In the detective's spying and Mr. Mo's observation, the sky was getting darker, and the water rushed out of the drain.

11:46-12:45 The
detective returned to the car and found a leaflet pinned to it: Save Los Angeles, she was dying of thirst.
The detective took a watch from the car, put it behind Mr. Mo's car, and recorded the time.

There are two broken watches on the table.
Assistant: This guy thinks about water all day.
(The above scenes are all to write about Mr. Mo's responsible attitude)
Secretly taken photos: Mr. Mo and Mr. Gao have a dispute.
Received a call from another assistant: Ai Gao Park, Target and a girl rowing a boat.
(Who is the girl?)

Mr. Mo and the girl were rowing, and the detective took a lot of pictures.

Mr. Mo and the girl hugged, and the detective accidentally knocked off the tiles while taking pictures, which alarmed them.
(It shows that Mr. Mo and the girl are close)

16:19-17:45 The
detective trims his beard. Arguing with the neighbor, claiming that the photos are not in the newspaper.
(Suspense, who made the photo

appear in the newspaper) 17:45—20:34 The
detective came back to tell the yellow joke he heard. Not paying attention to the customers behind him. The customer claimed to be the real Mrs. Mo, and her lawyer gave the detective two lawyer letters.
(Suspense, why the fake Mrs. Mo came here)

20:34-22:59 The
detective lied into Mr. Mo's office.
The photo standing at the table confirms Mrs. Mo's identity.
After searching, I found the words written in red pen: On Tuesday night, the Oak Park Reservoir, seven waterways had been used.
The deputy chief asked him to go to his office.

22:59-23:44 The
detective talked to the deputy director to understand Mr. Mo's behavior.
When leaving, the detective took a few more business cards of the deputy director.

23:45-24:37 I ran into
Mr. Mu and learned that because of water restrictions, farmers threatened to blow up the pond.

Detectives visit Mr. Mo. The hired worker was wiping the car, making noises constantly.
Gardener: It’s not good for the grass.
Saw a foreign body on the bottom of the pond.
Meet with Mrs. Mo. Mrs. Mo said to let the whole thing end. The detective wanted to investigate the truth.
(Mrs. Mo's behavior is abnormal)

30:47—33:22 The
detective used the deputy director's business card to enter the blocked pond.
Talk to the police officer in charge of the investigation.
Mr. Mo is dead.
(Enter the second act)

funeral home.
Mrs. Mo with nervous expression. The detective escorted Mrs. Mo into the car.
Mrs. Mo officially hired a detective.

Meet with the forensic doctor.
A drunkard drowned in a nearly dry riverbed.

37:56-40:01 The
detective's investigation, and the herdsmen who had talked with Mr. Mo.
Detective: Where does the water come from?
Herdsman: Come from different parts of the river, every night is different.
(Gradually reveal the mystery)

late at night, the detective once again came to the Oak Park pond to investigate.
Two gunshots.
The sudden flow of water.
Meet Mogadi and the short one.
Short: You are really nosy, do you know the end of nosy.
The short one cut the detective's nose.

Miss Shi calls. She claimed to be posing as Mrs. Mo and reminded him to pay attention to the obituary in Los Angeles.

Newspaper. The detective tore off the obituary. Parliament issued water bonds.
Meet with Mrs. Mo and ask.
Mrs. Mo's weird reaction.
Mrs. Mo: I will not have a long-term relationship with anyone, which is very difficult for me.
The detective asked the "C" on the envelope.

Detective: Your husband was murdered. Someone released thousands of tons of water in the pond. It is the dry season. He discovered this and was killed...
Mo The wife wanted to call the detective, but she suppressed it.

Visit the deputy director (director) Mr. You.
Found the abbreviation of Gao Noah's name.
I learned from the secretary that Gao Noah is the owner of the Water and Power Bureau.
Questioning Mr. You.
Understand the reasons for the release of water.
(Promote the development of the plot)

Mrs. Mo's visit.
Mrs. Mo was too nervous when he mentioned her father Gao Noah.
The two signed an investigation contract.

Dialogue with Mr. Gao.
Mr. Gao: You may think you know something, but you don't.
Investigate Mr. Mo's mistress by hiring detectives with a lot of money.
He avoided answering the time of the last meeting between himself and Mr. Mo.

Portrait the character of Mr. Gao) 1:06:26-1:08:54
Tear off the land information.

Large tracts of leased land.
Chaser. Shooting.
The owner of the manor said that someone smashed the reservoir and poisoned the well.
The detective was knocked out.

Mrs. Mo arrived, buying land with suspicion.
(The point in the film

reveals the reasons for releasing water to buy land.) 1:14:14-1:20:19 Nursing home.
Tuna Association.
The wicked comes.
get away.

1:20:19-1:22:11 The
detective talks with Mrs. Mo. Talk about the detective's past in Chinatown.

for the nose disinfection.
Cracks in the pupils. birthmark.
The two are kissing. Embrace affectionately. Go to bed.
Detective: I have always avoided someone being hurt, but in the end she was hurt because of me.
telephone. Mrs. Mo is leaving.
Speaking of Mr. Gao, Mrs. Mo's defensive measures.
The second hand keeps moving, creating a tense atmosphere.
The detective smashed the car lights and followed Mrs. Mo.

1:29:21-1:32:00 The
detective saw Mrs. Mo giving medicine to the girl.

Detective's compelling questioning .
Mrs. Mo's breakdown: She is my sister.

ringtones. Miss Shi wants to see a detective.
The detective refused.
Call again. The other party hung up involuntarily after saying the location.

came to Miss Shi's house.
The door lock is broken.
Miss Shi who died.
Confronted with the police.

1:43:41-1:44:51 at the
water pipe. The police made it clear that Mrs. Mo would be arrested.
It was revealed that there was salt water in the lungs of Mr. Mo's corpse.

Gardener: Salt water is harmful to grass.
Broken glasses.

Go to the third act) 1:47:10-1:56:03 The
detective thinks he has found the murderer.
The detective slapped Mrs. Mo's face.
Mrs. Mo told the truth: She is both my sister and my daughter!
The detective decided to help Mrs. Mo.
Reading glasses.
Mrs. Mo left.
The police arrived.

1:56:04-1:59:00 The
detective fled.

Mrs. Mo's family leaves.

2:00:24-2:03:41 The
detective talks with Mr. Gao.
Gaudí threatened with a gun.

2:03:42-2:10:30 The
police arrived.
The dispute between Mrs. Mo and Mr. Gao was shot. Run away.
The police shot.
Killed Mrs. Mo. Right in the left eye, the so-called "birthmark".
Mr. Gao took his granddaughter (daughter) away.
Detective: The less the better. (The less you know, the better)
Assistant: Forget it. This is Chinatown.

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Chinatown quotes

  • Jake Gittes: Look, I do matrimonial work, It's my metiay. When a wife tells me that she's happy her husband is cheating on her, it runs contrary to my experience.

    Evelyn Mulwray: Unless what?

    Jake Gittes: She was cheating on him.

  • Jake Gittes: Does my talking about your father upset you?

    Evelyn Mulwray: Why, no! Yes, a little. You see Hollis and my fa - my father had a falling out - finally.

    Jake Gittes: Over you or over the water department?

    Evelyn Mulwray: Not over me. Why should it - be over me?