Among the millions of emotions, there is one called reality

Berenice 2021-10-20 17:39:55

With the warm monologue of the cousin's last good family women's style in "Mockingjay (Part 2)", the "Hunger Games" series of movies finally came to an end. Looking back on the four series of films in the past four years, from the birth of the first one, to the difficulty of advancing in the second, and then to the saliva of the third, no matter what, we finally ushered in the fourth of the final song. Department.

It is true that there are many immature aspects of this series, some unavoidable shortcomings of the adaptation of novels into movies, and even some suspicion of making money. But frankly speaking, this series of movies does touch me. .

I was touched by Katniss raising three fingers that I kissed in front of the arena camera after her death. That kind of touch is called sadness.
I was moved by the gray-haired Magus, in order to give my companion a chance to escape, turning around and walking toward the poisonous mist resolutely and tremblingly. That kind of touch is called courage.
I was moved by Katniss standing in front of the raging war and shouting angrily "If we burn, you burn with us!" in front of the camera. That kind of moving is called resistance.
I was touched by the song "hanging tree" that Katniss sang softly by the river. I never thought that Jennifer Lawrence could be so lazy and magnetic when singing songs. That kind of moving, well, I too Can't tell what it is.

However, in the whole film, what touched me the most was the reality. It was the real performance from Jennifer Lawrence. Anyone who knows some of the big cousin's own deeds should know how similar she and Katniss are. Just like in the third part, when faced with the dilemma of Katniss being unable to make a satisfactory promotional film, Hemich mentioned that the place Katniss infects people is that no one tells her what to do. , And it's all her true feelings. You can think of me as a big cousin’s fan, because I was really impressed by the big cousin’s acting skills. For the big cousin, I even think that her performance in this series of movies is better than "The Happiness Line Behind the Dark Clouds" and "American Hoax" The performance in is more attractive. To put it exaggeratedly, in the "Hunger Games", Jennifer is Katniss. She shows us how a weak-looking girl struggles in the vortex of fate, from the ordinary to the special, and finally returns to the ordinary again. Growth process. Katniss was born with the blood of a rebel in her body, but she was not a born rebel or leader. In fact, she could not be called a complete rebel or leader in the end. On the contrary, we can see Katniss walking along the way in the four movies. Like ordinary little girls, she has had attachments to relatives, lost in love, fear of power, and worries about the future. These are the ordinary colors that flash on every ordinary person. It’s just that Katniss, there will be a little rebellion under oppression, a great bravery in desperate situations, and when sentient beings are turned upside down in the illusion of freedom and the trap of revenge, there will be a trace of onlooker’s indifference and calmness. These tiny traits ultimately constitute what makes Katniss different from others. This is Mockingjay, this is Katniss.

Of course, when talking about this movie, you can't just focus on the personal charm of the actors. In fact, the "Hunger Games" series of movies, after the long trailer of the third part, ushered in a long journey of oppression and suffocation, but it was a little relieved after the final climax. At the beginning of the third part, the main storyline of the entire film series has already shown that the carousel has shifted from the Hunger Games to the confrontation between the rebels in the 13th district and the government forces in the Congress district. The first two works have already allowed us to witness how the Congressional District headed by President Snow is living an extravagant life of "Jumen’s stinky wine and meat, and the road has frozen bones", and how it ignores the value of life and uses the hunger game to suppress everything. People, they are undoubtedly put on the face of a tyrannical oppressor. In the third part, we finally saw the 13th district rebels headed by President Ke Yin, who were quietly working hard and preparing to rise, chanting the slogan of freedom. Just as we were a little bit excited about this, we gradually discovered that this rebel army has traded more than helped, deceived more than candid, and controlled more than freedom. Under President Keyin’s cold appearance, it cannot conceal a right to power. The desire for freedom seems to us to be just a dream that can be broken at once. Finally, in the fourth part, the true face of President Keyin is constantly exposed, whether it is because Katniss is afraid of threatening his dominance and he deliberately puts him in danger, or after the success of the revolution, he turns around and prepares to reappear the darkness of The Hunger Games. History tells us time and time again that the result of this revolution is not freedom. Even if Koyin was shot and killed by Katniss, General Peller came to power after democratic elections. We have read Plutash’s letter. Later, who can be sure that this is not a more clever conspiracy to fight for power?
This film shows the extreme methods of political propaganda to confuse the people in the confrontation between the two armies. Freedom is more like a bait for fools. It has become a bargaining chip for the victory of the two armies. History has already proven with ironclad facts that no regime in the world can fully fulfill its previous promises to the people after coming to power. Absolute power will only corrupt people absolutely, and the fruit of victory is often blinding arrogance. The hatred will never die, it will only lurch in the center of the people after the death, waiting for the next chance to appear in the reincarnation.

This movie still suffers from the shortcomings of loosening the rhythm and top-heavy afterwards. In fact, starting from the third movie, the "Hunger Games-style" adventure scene is no longer so important. More importantly, it promotes the confrontation between the two camps. And portray the ending of Katniss. At this time, whether it is a large emotional drama or a large adventurous action drama, it will only distract the audience. In addition to lengthening the length of the film and hypnotizing the audience, it will not play any positive role.

Finally, to pay tribute to Philip Hoffman, the mysterious smile to the extremely chaotic crowd after President Keyin was shot by Katniss, it was probably a farewell on the big screen.

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The Hunger Games: Mockingjay - Part 2 quotes

  • Gale Hawthorne: This is another version of booby-trapping a resource.

    Beetee: Right, I see.

    Gale Hawthorne: This one's designed to blind. Smoke clings to the eyes. That's an application of the hummingbird trap. You scare people so they flee in this direction into what they think is a safe haven.

    Beetee: Two-tiered explosion.

    Gale Hawthorne: You allow people enough time to rush in, help the wounded, then...

    Katniss Everdeen: A second bomb.

    Gale Hawthorne: Right. Second one goes off here.

    Katniss Everdeen: I guess there are no rules anymore about what a person can do to another person.

    Gale Hawthorne: I don't think Snow used any rulebook when he hijacked Peeta.

  • Commander Lyme: President Coin, we're indebted to you for the reinforcements and the Mockingjay. But I'm not sure that anyone outside of 2 knows what we've been up against. This is the Nut. The Capitol's headquarters for all offensive operations. It's manned by both military and civilian personnel from District 2. As you can see, the fortress lies so far beneath the bedrock, it's untouchable. Yesterday, we attempted to take the northeastern gate. The enemy countered from higher up and we were forced to pull back. We took heavy losses.

    Commander of D5: Could we create a decoy? Send troops towards one gate, launch a staggered attack on another.

    Commander Paylor: Whose troops do you propose as a decoy, Commander?

    President Alma Coin: We have the Mockingjay. Don't underestimate her. We could use her to erode support. She may be able to sway some of the loyalists.

    Commander Lyme: You've been underground a long time, Madam Coin. This isn't like the rest of Panem. Support for the Capitol runs deep here.

    President Alma Coin: Then there is no sacrifice too great. We need to control the arsenal inside that fortress. Even with every district in this alliance, we are outgunned.

    Commander Paylor: I won't commit my people to a ground assault just to pillage weapons.

    President Alma Coin: Commander Paylor, your people have suffered more than just about anyone else at the hands of the Capitol.

    Commander Paylor: Which is why I won't condone a mass suicide.